Chapter VI Kain's P.O.V

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School today is going to be great.
I have so many classes with Noel.
Her striking green eyes and stark black hair haunted my dreams.
For some reason I really want to see her.
I need to make sure she is ok.
All I can remember is the tears in her eyes and how much she just shut me out.

When I went home yesterday I ran that background check.
Shocking the thing was...
Noel has been kicked out of every school she has ever gone to.
She has always ended up beating someone to near death.
She seems like such a nice person to be around...
Just someone you let watch your kids on the weekend right?

That's might scare some people off, but not me.
I kind of understand her somewhat.
I am a bad kid myself and I've been kicked out of plenty of schools as well.
Me and her are just so much alike it's unreal.
Really I don't understand how we never met...

We have first hour together so, I walk in there as early as I can to get a seat in the back.
I want to be able to see her when she walks in and takes a seat.
No one ever sits by me, so I always have room to set my stuff down.
I must intimidate people or something?
Yeah something....
Waiting for Noel to come in I grab out my phone wanting to cease the boredom I am experiencing.
Why not play a few games on my phone while I wait?

Noel's P.O.V

My alarm goes off at 5:00 in the morning just so I have enough time to make sure I am ready for people to see....

I slowly get out of bed and walk into my closet.
Everything throbs in pain...
I grab a loose sweatshirt.
The clothes need to be so loose I don't feel them because I don't know how much more I can handle...
For pants I grab lined fuzzy leggings.
Oh these are so fucking soft it's unreal....
I slip into the clothes and walk very cautiously into the bathroom.
I need to beat ma face so no one knows I get knocked around at ma house if you know what I mean...

My face has one gash up near my hair line that can not be covered and bruises that will show through makeup.
There isn't even a point in even trying to cover anything up...
Well today is the day people get to see my true features...

Then I see my hair is matted with dried blood.
This fucking means I have to take a god damned shower.
Which entails that I will have to take off all of these comfy clothes....
Internally groaning right now...

I slip out of the clothes and look at the mirror.
My ribs are definitely broken.
Well this is going to be an interesting day...
I can remember the last time I went to school with broken ass ribs...
I turn on the water and just rinse my hair out.

Once I get out I dry my hair.
Slowly and carefully...
I'm not about to rip open the wound I have tried so carefully to not freaking reopen...
I run my hands through my hair to see if any of the cuts reopened.
Thank fucking god....
None did hopefully.

I put my clothes back on and head down the stairs.
Scanning the room to make sure I don't miss anything last night.
I skip breakfast and head to the door.
I slip on my UGGs and leave the house.
Yes girl them UGGs on point!

I head to my bike and remember all the cuts on my head.
Oh hell no I am not putting on that fucking helmet!
I take my helmet back inside and hide it under my bed.
That was a task all on it's own really...
If my father sees it he will throw it away.
I will not let him throw away something so vital to my life...
Literally it keeps me alive...

I walk back out to my bike and slide on easily.
Oh baby I love you so much...
I start her up and drive really slow to school.
I ain't 'bout to have my hair all fucked up with all those goddamned knots!
Honey I ain't no fool!
The wind would really hurt if I went fast as well.

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