Chapter III Noels P.O.V

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My eyes fly open when the memories stop.
All of them real.
He is my father.
I will always love him.
Even though he treats me like shit

Wait, where the hell am I?
This isn't my house.
At least I don't think....
No, this ain't my house.
We don't have any white rooms like this...
Where was I last?
Yeah school.
This isn't the school, is it?
No, schools don't have ceiling fans.
Then where the hell am I?

I slide out of the bed so quietly not even I hear myself moving.
Once my feet connect with the floor I move to the door.
I grab the door knob and turn it silently.
God am I a fucking ninja or something!?!

The door opens to reveal a long hallway.
I see a spiral staircase and head for it.
When did I get in a big ass house with a fucking spiral staircase...
I don't even know anyone with a nice house...
I descend the staircase and end up in some sort of kitchen.
A nice fucking kitchen I must add.

Someone is sitting at the table.
I move ever so slightly so see who it is.
Why does he look so familiar?
That's freaking creepy as hell.
I wake up in some random ass house with some random ass dude I think I know....
I swear I know his name.
No that's weird.
That doesn't even make since!

"Hey yo Kain!" Someone yells from up the stairs.
That's the fuckers name!
I swing into a room off the hall I was in.
I hear the dude walking past the room.
That was a hella close.
I would've had to kick the guys ass.

"Hey Liam shut the hell up!" Kain whisper yells, I assume.
Whisper yells?
Is that even a fucking thing....

"Why?" I am guessing was Liam.
Well aren't I funny just guessing who my fucking kidnappers are...
This a great time here everyone!
I seriously recommend getting kidnapped and then you should guess who is who!?!

"There is a girl up stairs sleeping." Kain says awkwardly.
Aww he is shy about his girl he kidnaps!
How cute...
I reach in my jacket and grab my knife.
Just in case I need to cut a bitch...

"Why is there a girl sleeping upstairs?" Liam asks intrigued.
Oh that sick fuck...
Thinkin' I just fucking slept with this Kain dude...
Hell no Liam?
Who ever the hell that is...

"Long story." Kain says and the chair he was sitting in slides across the floor.
Oh please do tell...

"I got time." Liam says with a laugh.
I roll my eyes at there conversation.
Fuck this, I am leaving this room.
I ain't afraid of no ghost!

I grab the door knob and open the door quietly.
Again am I a ninja?
They are conversing in the kitchen.
What a strange word...
I search for an exit route.
Like hell I'm staying with these weirdo's.
They are strangely stupid from afar...

I see a door that looks to be the front door.
I have no clue how I am going to get there without being caught.
Where are me ninja skills when I need them!?!
I look towards the kitchen to see them arguing.
Oh come on guys you were just being creepy...

"It's her!" Liam yells and turns towards the stairs.
Yes bitch it's me!
Kain grabs his shoulder and spins him back around to face him.
Ohhh come at me bitch!
I will kick your ass so hard you won't even know what the fuck just happened.

"Yes and you are not going to mess with her" he says sternly and let's go of his shoulder.
I look at him confused.
I don't need you to protect me Mr. Kidnapper.
Why is he protecting me?

I step out of the closet and round the corner.
My heart begins to race.
This is getting fun...
I see the door and think of a strategy.
Yes bitch a fucking strategy!
Wait till they leave and then make a move?
Move now and run?
Walk out and let them know of my presence?
None of those options sound appealing.
I just don't feel like almost getting shot today...

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