Chapter XI Adrians P.O.V

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Once I close the door I stand still and wait. After a few seconds I hear Noel's cries through the door.
Her sobs full of pain and fear.
It makes me feel things I haven't felt in the longest time...
Not since he died...

I slowly walk away, even though I just want to comfort her.
I may be the only person who knows what she feels like.
I know that being hurt by someone you are supposed to love hurts like hell.
Nothing compares...

I lividly walk down the stairs and see Luke pacing.
Liam is looking at him with distaste.
Blake is looking for food in the pantry.
I walk past all of them and approach Kain's office.

"Woa, woa, woa! Where do you think you are going big guy?" Blake is up and blocking my entry.
He still has food in his mouth.

"I need to discuss things with Kain. Now move..." I shove Blake out of the way.
I don't care if I hurt them.
They may claim we are all family, but I don't have a family.
My family died a long time ago.

"Adrian wait!" Liam whisper yells and I spin to address him.
Is he trying to make sure Kain doesn't hear...
Fuck Kain!
Fuck them all!
They don't understand the pain she is going through...
They don't understand the pain I went though...

Noel is crying because Kain is a useless piece of shit.
Making her think he was going to hurt her...
I'll kill him...

"What happened?" Liam asks and points upstairs.
Oh piss off...

"Which time?"
I decide on fucking with Liam's head.
I'm sick of people thinking that I am that easy...
It really pisses me off...

"When I was in the office..." Liam says crossing his arms over his chest.
He seriously thinks we did something again...
These guys are a joke.

"I helped her. The rest she will tell you when she is ready. It's not my place to say." I snapped looking at him honestly.
Even though they are a bunch of morons I don't think I could ever actually kill one of them.
They took me in.
I will forever be thankful for that.
But they will never be my family...

"Why not?" Liam asks uncrossing his arms.
Because it's personal you freak.
You would have no idea how to console her.
Only I can help her...

"It's personal to her, not me. Nothing happened other than we talked. I told her about me." I sigh and shrug my shoulders.
Liam doesn't seem to care about the fact I told Noel about me when I've never told them anything.

"So nothing happened?" Liam asks to reassure himself more than anything else.
I nod and turn back to the door.
I spin the knob and walk in.
Time to deal with a royal pain in the ass.

"Kain what is your problem man?" My voice has anger laced with disappointment.
He hurt her and it pisses me off.
Everything this guy does pisses me off.
He does everything without thinking he could be doing something wrong.

"Who do you think you are to ask me that question?" Kain stands from his chair.
He stagers before catching himself on the bookshelf.
Kain is drunk off his ass.
Wow, trying to intimidate me while you're drunk off your ass.

"Did you drink?" I ask even though I know the answer.
He is fucking ridiculous...

"Why does she like you and not me?" Kain asks as he sways towards me.
Something about his tone makes my eyes widen.
Is he jealous?
Kain likes her!

"Kain..." I try but he stops me.
What do I say to a drunk man with a broken heart?

"Is it because you are better looking, or is it because you are more intimidating?" Kain squints to examine me.
More intimidating my ass...

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