Chapter XLVI Dravens P.O.V

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She speeds out of the parking lot after she sees me.
Now she is avoiding me?
What did I do?

My eyes search for the asshole that made her cry.
He is one of Kain friends that much I know.
I don't understand how Noel even got involved with these guys.
She is so sweet once you get to know her.

I find Kain walking to his car after school.
His left eyes has a large bruise placed inderneath it.
Noel punched him?
She did it to make him stop hurting me probably.
She didn't need to do that for me...

I walk to my truck and slam the door after I climb in.
I slam my hands against the wheel as I think of the place she went.
I almost forget to wait for Emmie.

I look up waiting for her and see Liam messing with her.
He keeps poking fun at her glasses and how she dresses.
He can't just do that because Noel isn't here.
I jump out of my truck and approach them.
Liam is surprised when I shove him away.
Emmie goes and stands behind me.

"Buzz off asshole!?!" I yell making sure I am blocking Emmie from him.
His eyes glaze over in anger.
This guy seriously thinks he scares me?
Hell no I ain't scared of a fucking dick acting like and asshole.
I'm about to kick his ass.

"She didn't mind it..." He smirks looking back to Emmie.
She looks horrified.
I shove him away and watch people gather around us.

"Fuck off Liam!?!" I say turning to Emmie.
She smiles up at me and I feel Liam grab my shoulder to spin me around.
I do and he punches me right in the nose.
My head snaps back and I grab my nose.
I pop it back in line and look to him lividly.
He has a smirk plastered on his face.

"Oh your gonna get it now..." I growl and stalk towards him.
He swings and I dodge then swing left into his chest.
He stumbles and I advance more.
I swing right into his cheek.
Someone is grabbing me and throwing me off is Liam.

"Enough!?!" Kain booms looking to me like I made the biggest mistake.
I turn back to Emmie and gesture for her to follow me.
I begin to walk when someone grabs me again and spins me towards them.
My eyes lock onto steel grey eyes.

"Where do you think your going?" He sneers and tries to throw a punch.
I grab his arm and spin it behind his back.
He hisses and I shove even harder.

"Yeah I've been hanging around Noel. She taught me a few things..." I whisper shoving his arm even harder.
He hisses again and tried to shake me off.
I release him and turn to leave.
Emmie is looking over me horrified.
Is this monkey for real?

"Leave now alone dude. She belongs to me..." He growls and I seriously can't believe he can stay that after what he did to her!

"No Noel doesn't belong to anyone. After what you did your lucky she even looks at you. Your a sick fuck you realize that right..." Emmie snaps back at him before I can.
I look to her shocked.
Kain too looks shocked those words came out of her mouth.
I take her arm and drag her towards my truck.
She climbs in and the crowd gathered around where we once were vanishes.

I start up the truck and speed out of the lot.
The last thing we need is for Mr angry pants to follow us.

"Where is Noel?" She asks because she wasn't there when she saw her crying.
She wasn't there when I was ignoring her for no reason.

"She left crying..." I say and Emmie looks mad now.

"Why didn't you stop her!" She yells looking ahead as I try and figure out where she went.

"I tried! She just wouldn't let me near her..." I say and she nods looking out the window.

"You know it wasn't her fault right? Him hitting you was all his fault. You can't blame her for him being an asshole. She was so sad whenever we were sitting under the tree at lunch. She missed you..." She finishes looking back over to me as I drive to the last place I can think she would be.
The ice cream shop.

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