Chapter XLIX Noels P.O.V

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He stood and began to walk away and all I wanted to do was run after him.
I can't let him back into my life after everything we have been through.
He shattered my heart and I still love him.
I will refuse to put my heart back into his hands again.
Never again.

My hands find my phone and I call a number I only call when I'm feeling like absolute shit.
It rings twice before her voice rings through the line.
All I do is cry as she asks me what's wrong.
She says she is on her way and I hang up on her.
Minutes later Emmie is at my door and she is looking like she saw a ghost.
I open it and she rushes to give me a huge hug.
I grip onto her and just cry.
She whispers soothing words and I can't seem to stop.

He was trying to make things better.
He told me everything I wanted to hear and it makes me want to let him back in.
After everything all I want to do is fall in love with him all over again.
All I want is for him to hold me and make me feel loved, but I know in the end he will always be who he always is.
Someone who shattered my heat and destroyed my will to live.

After a few more minutes I have stopped crying, but I still hold Emmie in my arms trying to figure out what to do.
I still haven't said anything about why on Earth I was crying, but she doesn't seem to mind...

I finally release her and walk back over to the couch I had recently fallen apart on.
She plops down next to me and just waits for me to explain my whole breakdown.

"Kain was here..." I start and see her freeze up.
I decide to ignore it and continue on to explain my side of the story...

"He took my bike and me home after it shit out on me..." My hands arm running up and down my face as I try and think of what to do about what he said to me.
Do I give him another chance, or do I just let him go?

"He came and confessed his love for me..." I finish and she gasps in shock.
I look to her confused and she looks guilty.

"I told him to talk to you..." She sighed and now I am looking at her shocked.
She asked him to try and get back with me?
Why would she do something like that?

"I saw the way he made you genuinely happy Noel. I wasn't going to let you thow it all away..." She whispered and I can't believe she is saying this.
She wants me back with Kain?
Why didn't she just tell me I should give him a chance...

"Did you give him a chance?" She asks like she doesn't want to know the answer.
I shake my head now looking at a wall angrily.
I probably broke his little heart.
I'm such and idiot.

"No I didn't give him a fucking chance because I thought everyone would be like 'he fucking treated you like shit why are you letting him love you. Oh you are just obsessed with him'..." I snap and she looks saddened.
She shakes her head and takes her phone out of her pocket.
She begins to type away and then my phone rings.
I look and see Draven calling me.
She just told him to fucking call me?

"Hello..." I ask looking for Emmie for the reason she did this.
She looks back at me waiting for him to say something.

"Are you ok?" He sounds scared that I need him for like a medical reason right now.
I smile at how sweet he is.

"I'm fine Draven... I just have to ask you something..." I say finally figuring out what Emmie wanted me to do.
She wants me to ask him if he is ok with it.

"Shoot..." He sighs and I hear him flop onto a surface.
He must have just laid in bed.

"Would you be mad if I gave Kain another chance..." I ask and he doesn't reply at first.
I hear him sigh really loudly through the phone and I fear his answer.
He has every right to tell me no.
He was there to put me back together.

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