Chapter VIII Kains P.O.V

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Noel is so beautiful.
Her smile.
Her grace.
Everything about her.
She walks in my house and just looks all around awkwardly.
A smile slowly lights up my face.
She turns to look at me and her eyes look confused.

"What are you smiling at?" Noel questions me with her eyebrow raised.
I shrug my shoulders and continue to smile at her.
She looks even more confused.

"Is my hair a mess or something?" She asked and her hands reach up as she feels her head.
I shake my head and chuckle at her.
Noel's head is slightly tilted as she watches me laugh.
I don't miss the small smile at the edge of her lips.
Please smile...

"Nothing is wrong with your hair..."
Noel's eyebrows furrow and she looks like she just doesn't understand.
I'm not making it that hard am I?
It's obvious that I like her right?

I just turn around and walk further into my house.
Noel's rejection kind of picks away at my heart.
I don't know if she just doesn't understand or just doesn't care...

Liam comes running down the stairs, but freezes when he sees Noel.

"What in the royal fuck is she doing here!?" Liam yells as he pulls his gun out of its holster.
He walks down the stairs carefully and gets really close to Noel and points the gun strait at her face.
The fuck is his hospitality at!?!

"Liam....." I begin to say but Noel stops me.
Woman this is not the time to fuck around with this dude.
Liam seems real salty about their last encounter...
Come on Liam don't be a sour puss.

"You seriously think I was going to kill you don't you?" Noel asks Liam with all seriousness.
Liam laughs like it was a joke.
Where the fuck is she going with this...

"Yeah, someone holds a knife to my throat and I automatically think they are trying to be my friend!" Laim shakes the gun in her face.
Noel looks at Liam like he is the stupidest person in the world.

"I wasn't even trying to kill you..." Noel whispers to Liam, her eyes looking into his.
I look to Liam and see him entranced in her eyes.
Something comes over me and I don't understand.
Am I angry and him for looking at her?
What the hell is up my ass?!?

"Liar!" Liam cocks the gun and sets it on her forehead.
My hands clench at my sides.
I take a step towards them, but Noel's eyes snap to mine and glare at me.
I stand still even though I should intervene.
Something about her look told me she had this under continue even though what I am witnessing seems the complete opposite.

"Do you want me to show you that I wasn't trying to kill you?" Noel asks Liam while her face is still solid.
That's not what we should be saying Noel...
Liam is already really pissed off...

"What?" Was all Liam got out before her hand flew up and snatched the gun from his.
Then after the gun was in her hands, Noel locked her foot behind Liam's knee and he collapsed to the floor.
Liam was now kneeling at her feet and she pressed the gun against his head.
Noel cocked the gun and laid her finger on the trigger.
She pulled the trigger, after she moved it mere centimeters away from Liam's head.
Noel emptied all the bullets of the gun on the floor and dropped the gun right next to Liam's leg.

"If I wanted to kill you I would, but I don't..." Noel stuck her hand down and waited for Liam to grab it.
Liam took her hand and she pulled him to his feet.
He looked away and nodded.
Noel put her hand on his shoulder and gave him a curt nod and turned back to me.

"But why did you beat me up at school?" Liam asked as she began to walk away.
Good question Liam.

"You knocked all of Emmie's things on the floor and refused to help her pick them up..." Noel looks over her shoulder at Liam like he's an idiot.

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