Chapter X Noels P.O.V

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We walk down the stairs until we're back in the kitchen.
Adrian walks to the counter.
Luke is still sitting at the table.
When we enter Luke looks up and smiles.

"I see you let him fix you up..." Luke smiles and winks at Adrian.
I scoff and roll my eyes.
Again he just sets me off.

"I just helped her with some stuff..." Adrian looks at me and ignores the look Luke is giving us.
I notice what Adrian said wrong.

"What are you two like a thing?" Luke laughs.
I don't answer because something so stupid doesn't deserve an answer.

"You just met!" Luke yells shocked we didn't say anything.
Wow, you really are an idiot dude.
You are definitely not the best person for whatever these guys do.
Luke's just not that smart.

The door to what I think is the office opens. Kain emerges looking a little agitated and the others follow.
They all have a questioning look on there face.

"How were things out here?" Kain asks looking at me quizzically.
Oh it was just fucking peachy!

"Well I wouldn't know, her and Adrian ran off upstairs to do god knows what..." Luke says smiling at us.
Me and Adrian look unfazed.
Kains shoulders tense up and his eyes darkened.
His eyes snap to mine.

"Oh, is that what happened..." Kain's voice deadly threatening.
Luke looks at Adrian with regret.
Yeah fucktard...

"Yes, we went upstairs..." I say not seeing the problem.
I don't understand why Kain acted out so much.
Adrian and me would never do anything.

"Kain it's not what you think...." Luke says and tries to fix his mistake.
Kain stalks towards me.
His eyes black with anger.
His eyes send chills down my spine because I know the look.
I see it all to much.
We are now mere inches apart.
His eyes are deadly.
He is obviously furious.
Why though?

"Why did you go upstairs with Adrian?" Kain demanded to me angrily.
I look in between his eyes trying to show him that I'm scared.
Kain ignores my eyes and continues to glare down at me.
My hands clench as my mind screams at me.
Kain is scaring me right now.

"Adrian helped me with some stuff..." I admit truthfully looking Kain dead in the eyes.
I don't understand why Kain is so pissy.

Kain pulled his hand back and I flinched.
Damnit not again...
He sees me weak once again.
My body is rigged.
Everything freezes as my eyes squeeze shut. My whole body goes numb preparing myself for the impact, but nothing comes.
Again I tried to tell him to stop with my eyes but he didn't.
That's what hurts.
I would never want to see him like I am now.
I would only try and make him smile even more.

"Noel....." Kain whispers and I peek up at him.
His eyes look regretful.
I don't care.
I tried to show him and he ignored me.
And people wonder why I don't let them in...

"Did you think I was going to hit you?" Kain asks backing away from me.
Well no shit Sherlock...
We're now feet apart.
I feel like I can breath again, but it is short lived.
I flinched.
I can't believe that this is the second time.
You think Kain would have learned from the first time.
I stand and stare and him with shock.
My eyes begin to get teary and my cheeks get hot.
Kain walks into his office and slams the door.
Again he makes me feel so little.
He makes me feel so terrible.
He makes me think its my fault.

I stand and stare at a wall.
Adrian slowly comes and stands infront of me.
He takes one look at me and hugs me.
I cry into Adrian's shoulder and he picks me up.
He carries me up the stairs and into the room I slept in before.
He sets me on the bed gently before walking out the door.
I watch Adrians's back as he closes the door.
Once I am sure he won't hear me cry I collapse into a pile of cries.
Everything burns.
Every scar.
The words rip through me.
I lay down in the bed and pull the covers over myself.
I can't stop myself from getting tired.
My eyes grow heavy and my mind finally clears.
My heart stops pounding fast as I slip into a nice nap.
All I can think about is how Kain makes me feel.
He makes me feel terrible when he does something wrong.
I don't know why, but it pisses me off.

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