Chapter XX Kains P.O.V

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I watch as the only person I'd ever worried about more than myself walk away.
Other than my gang.
Noel's shoulders hunched as she collapsed in on herself.
Her cries were not only of pain, they were of betrayal.
She felt like I had betrayed her.
She thought the only reason I killed her father was because of my pride.

My fists clench and unclench trying to relieve some stress.
My muscles twitch with anger.
I would never be seeing her again.
She would never talk to me again.
I had completely and utterly fucked up and I know that no matter what I do she would still hate me.

What's the point?
I didn't kill her father because of pride.
I killed him because he deserved it for putting that amazing girl through hell.
To be honest I wish I wouldn't have killed him.
I should have tortured him to death.
Sliced off his fingers one by one.
Chopping off his toes with hedge clippers.
Slicing out his guts and letting him see his inside as he died.
Oh, I could have had so much fun
So many ways to torture people.
So many ways to get revenge.

Once I was sure Noel was gone from school I walked to my car and left.
I decided to drive by the place I avoided at all costs.
The final resting place of my parents.
As I prepared to turn my eyes caught something that was surprising.
A distinctive black bike.
I slowly drove past it to make sure.
Yep it's Noels.

I pull into a parking lot across from the grave yard and wait.
After a few minutes I see Noel walking out.
Her face now void of emotions but her body still slightly shook.

She jumps in her bike and speeds off.
I park closer to the yard and enter.
Noel must have came here to visit someone.
I slowly walked up and down all of the rows searching for someone who stuck out.
My eyes landed in a stone that made my heart twist with guilt.

Here lies Claire White

My eyes travel down the stone.

Loving mother and wife

My mind starts slowly beginning to connect the dots.

Taken by tragedy

I remember that she never really told me what happened to her mother.

Never forgotten and always loved

A sad smile rises to my face as my eyes settle on the photo placed on the stone.
I bend down and gently pick it up.

I see a young girl with pitch black hair and bright green eyes smiling ear to ear.
I see a woman with black hair with a smile matching the young girls.
Her eyes dark blue.
Then there's a man with light brown hair watching upon the girl and I assume mother with eyes full of love.

Recognition registers in my mind.
The man although way younger in this picture is Noels father.
The woman is an exact copy of how Noel looks now.
I sigh before placing the picture back where it belongs.
I sit down infront of the stone.

"I have caused great pain to your daughter, and for that I apologise..." I whisper looking at the photo of the mother.

"Your daughter has suffered enough and I wasn't going to let it go on anymore..." I say looking at the sky.

"Please forgive me for killing your husband. I know you never knew this side of him, but I need you to know that I could not just walk away when he was hurting someone I..." I stopped not knowing what to say.
I didn't like Noel.
I just worried about her.
She didn't deserve to be treated like this.

"I hope you watch over your daughter..." I mumbled while looking away and beginning to stand.

"She needs someone now more than ever..." I slowly walk to the next place I know in this graveyard.

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