Chapter XLII Kains P.O.V

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She doesn't want to fucking kiss me...
Why did I fucking say that when in that God damned video she specifically said she doesn't like being touched in a loving way!
That sure as hell is a loving way in my books...
I wish I could follow her rules when I'm around her, but I can't...
All I want to do is hold her in my arms and make sure she never leaves.

Why did I just start yelling at her after she picked up her glass...
She was only trying to help.
Then I went and just shit on the parade...
I should be fucking lucky she was even talking to me after what I fucking pulled...

She seemed sad about throwing away those pancakes after she found out I made them...
I didn't want to tell her because I wanted to fix things between her and Joey...
The fact she hates him right now is tearing him apart.
I told him he can stay as long as he wants so he can try and fix there relationship...
They wouldn't have to if I wouldn't have been a complete asshole to Noel...

I need to find time to spend with her alone.
Now that I think of it I don't think I ever gave her the bracelet her father was saving for her mom...
I think it's still on my bathroom counter.

I speed walk into my bathroom and scan my counter.
My eyes land on the velvet box and I know what I need to do.
I snatch it up and walk out fo my room.
My head snaps to the right to see her room light on.

I inhale shakily trying to calm down.
Going in her room is something I don't want to do so soon.
She deserves time away from me to think about everything.
I don't want to rush her into anything again...
I will wait for her to be ready for me forever...

My feet carry my through her threshold and I find her standing on the balcony looking out into the yard.
I see her look to the left and her small smile placed on her beautiful face...
Everything about her is absolutely stunning.
Her short black hair and forest green eyes make her.
I miss her long hair though...
The way is cascaded around her body made her look like a fucking angel...

My hands are shaking as I remember what I came here to do.
She needs to see this.
Hopefully she isn't mad that I haven't given it to her until now...

I slowly walk up behind her and look out like she is.
Her shoulders stiffen up when she senses my presence.
She relaxes thought after a small pause...
It was like I just took her by surprise...

"It's beautiful isn't it..." She sighs and I find myself looking at the side of her face I can see.
Her pale skin accenting her dark hair and bold eyes.
Her build screams strong and independent.
All this goes to show that I never thought anything could break her.
If you look closely you can see all the small scars that litter her beautiful face.
All I want to do is erase all the memories of pain from her.
She should only be happy forever...

"Yeah..." I sigh talking about her.
She was talking about the grass and trees.
I haven't even looked over there yet.
If she likes nature I have the perfect place for me and her to go.
Maybe after she trusts me a little more she will come with me.

She looks over to me with a free expression. Her eyes are open and letting me see everything she feels.
I see her hope and longing...
She shouldn't feel like that when she is with me.
I only want to see love and happiness...
That's all she deserves...

"When I was younger all I wanted to do was be a photographer that snapped pictures of the world..." She whispers looking back out into the trees that surrounded my house.
My eyes look to where she is and I see the leaves blowing in the wind.
The sound eases my heart rate making me calm down.

"The beauty this planet held intrigued me beyond belief. I wanted everyone to see and feel what I felt when I looked at something so simple yet so beautiful..." Her words are like music to my ears.
Since I've known this woman she has been tough and hard to get to.
I feel like our little break made us want to let the other one in.
It made me realize that I didn't want anything else but to be with her until the day I died...

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