Chapter XVIII Noels P.O.V

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After school is finally over I jump on my bike and head to the only place I know.
The ring.
The one place that hasn't failed me...

I slowly drive up the back alley and slide my bike behind the managers car.
He lets me hide my bike there so no one knows what I drive.
He lets me do whatever I want because I make him a ton of money.

I walk in with my hood low blocking the light and not letting people see my face.
If they see my face then they would know that I'm a girl.
They would treat me differently.

I slowly walk to the bar and Jim nods noticing I had come to fight again.
Jim is my man.
He really didn't have to do all of this for me, but he does knowing I'll won every fight I take tonight.

I smile even though I know he can't  see it and jump the bar before walk into the back room.
This is where I keep all of my clothes that I  change into when I fight.

Once I close the door I change into loose clothes that let my body move.
When I fight I don't like to feel constricted with that guy clothes.
A hoodie to cover my face and sweats...
That's all I need.

Feeling ready for a fight I look in the small mirror on the wall.
Every bruise purple and green.
The small indentions indicating that I had been hit with a fist.
I prefer that that with a shoe or bottle...

I quickly exit the room not wanting to get into my own head and wait for Jim.
He tells me who I should fight and who I should pass.
He kind of keeps me alive...

I sit at the bar and wait for a drink.
Jim gets me my drink and I wash it down quickly.
When I fight I like to also be a little drunk.
It lets me do things I wouldn't do if I was in my right state of mind.

"You ready?" Jim asks and throws his rag over his shoulder.
He is younger, but still not that young.
His eyes are dark brown and he's built.
Not as built as Kain though...

"Hell yeah." I snap and look around.
In search for my next victim.

"Well then I guess now we wait..." Jim laughs.
I'm in the top spot.
Never had anyone take it from me.
I'm undefeated.
Now I have to wait for people to challenge me.
As time ticks on the place fills with guys ready to try and fight me.
I stand and make my way to the ring.

"Ladies....Well mostly gentlemen. Tonight is the night you have all been waiting for. Our highest title holder has been challenged by a legend. Kain!!! Ladies and gentlemen he has returned. Will he knock scar off the top? Let's see! Everyone place your bids before the match starts..." People rush to get to the bidding box while I freeze up.
I have to fight Kain.
Kain, as in the guy I ran away from.

I turn and look at Jim hesitantely.
Jim notices my eyes and face.
He is staring at me shaking his head mouthing for me to back down.
Looking to my knuckles I weigh the odds.

I shake my head no and move to stand in my corner.
Kain has it coming.
Let's see what the big guys got.


I stand and warm up.
The dude I'm fighting is small meaning he can move fast.
He looks built and may have a slight advantage.
In order to win this I have to use my size against him.

I practice my moves on a bag and see my opponent just in the ring stretching.
He must be good if he doesn't even have to warm up.
I continue to practice until I hear the announcers voice boom through the room.

"Fighters please head to the ring..." I see my opponent standing in his corner and looking straight at me.
Something about his stare puts me on edge...

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