Chapter XIV Kians P.O.V

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I can't do this to Noel.
I have to turn back on my phone and call her back.
I've made a huge mistake...

Once my phone is back on I see four missed calls from Noel.
And I have a voicemail from Noel.
Something uneasy settled in my stomach.

"Kain..."  Noel gasps painfully through the line.
Her voice is different.
Not in a good way.

"I trusted you when you said you'd come..." Noel whispers while her voice was laced with betrayal.
What have I done...

"Where are you?" Noel whispers and begins to cry.
She needs me.
I ignored her and she got hurt.

"You should know that I would never touch another guy..." Noel whispers and my heart stops.
Noel is hurting and she still tries to make me feel better.
Although it just makes me feel worse.

"You were slowly piecing me back together..." Her soft cries are fading and her voice sounds weaker.
Noel please don't break me.
Please stay on the line longer.

"I..." Her voice now faint.
This is all too familiar.
I can't go through this again.

"Just know..." Noel's voice voice muffled.
My heart is racing.
I stand and run down the stairs.
My body is vibrating with regret.
Memories of before flash through my head.

Promise me Kain...

My mom's voice runs through my mind.
There is a coughing noises in the background.

"You and the guys showed me what a real family should look like..." That was the last thing Noel said.

The line went dead.
I sprinted to my truck and jumped in.
I speed my way to her house and banged on the door.

"Noel!?!" I yell but no one answers.
My hands bang on the door countless times.
Everything feeling so familiar.

"Noel!?! Are you in there!?!" My heart is pounding against my ribcage...
Please be ok...

"Shit!" I yell and back up.
I run and smash into the door.
I need inside of this house to make sure she is ok.

The door caves in and I'm finally inside her home.
An all too familiar smell enters my nostrils.
I look down and see Noel laying on the floor.
A pool of blood surrounding her.

Mom... Dad....

My cries from before ring through my ears.
Not again.
I collapsed  to my knees.
My eyes locked on the knife ludged in her gut.
A bruise on her eye.

I pull out my phone shakily and call Adrian.
He needs to come and get Noel and take her to Doc.
Doc needs to save her...
He has to save her...

"Adrian it's Noel!" I croak and begin to cry.
I hear his breathing lock up at the sound of me crying...
Yes, I'm crying.

"What dude! What happened!?!" Adrian yelled and was shuffling around in a hurry.
He is already freaking out and I haven't even told him...
I can't
It makes it even more real.

"Get to her house quick!" I yell and hang up.
I place my hands around the knife and pull it out.
Once out I apply pressure and check her pulse.

"Noel..." I squeaked out.
Please don't die on me...

Her pulse is fading but it's still there.
I hear a car door slam.
Adrian comes running up.
When he sees Noel he falls to the floor next to her.
I remove my bloody hands and stand.
Adrian covers her wound and begins to panic.

"Get her out of here!" I yell and jog up the stairs.
I can only see red.

Adrian doesn't even have to ask.
He picks Noel up gently and carried her bridal style out of this house.
I watch as he gently places her in the back seat.
Her and falling limp at her sides...

My eyes focus back in the dark hallway infront of me.
I stop infront of a dimly lit room.
It's grey with little to nothing in it.
The smell tells me it's Noel room.
Her soft vanilla sent fills my nostrils.
It makes me think she is here and alive...

I turn around and see a door closed.
I through the dooor open to see a man watching TV.
I stalk towards him lividly.
Oh you hurt the wrong girl dude...
Once I was close enough I deck him in the face.
The man falls backwards and looks at me surprised.

"Did you hurt her?" I was seething.
My voice deathly low...
You better say no or I'm going to kill you right here, right now...

"That slut? Trust me I was doing the world a favor..." He spits before wiping the blood from his jaw.
The word slaps me.
I called Noel that before she ran out.

"You son of a bitch!" I yell and pounce.
I punch him left and right.
Once my knuckles are split open I pull out my gun.
I cock the gun and place it to his forehead.
No mercy left in me dude.
I kill people all day every day.
This time is no different.

"You won't kill me..." He smirks with a laugh.
I smile sinisterly.

"Wrong..." I pull the trigger and blood flies everywhere.
He hurt her...
This is all her deserves...

I stand and wipe the blood off of my face.
My mind wanders as I sprint down the stairs before jumping in my truck.
I speed back home.
Please Adrian don't let her die...

"Please be ok Noel..." I beg gripping the wheel for dear life.
I glance to my shaking hands and see my knuckles covered in that man's blood.
Who was he?
Was he her father?

Someone I thought would never hurt me

Noel's soft words fill my mind.
It can't be.
Her own father would do that to her?!?

"I would never forgive myself..." I whisper as I run every light to get to her.
If she dies because I broke a promise...
I don't know who I'll kill...
I would lose my mind.
I'm so sorry...

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