Chapter XXXVIII Noels P.O.V

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Luke left me and I was looking out upon the world.
Everything still so beautiful in this world yet my heart was still breaking.
I rested my elbows on the ledge and looked down.
One jump and it would all be over.
Everything that ever happened to me would wash away and I would be with my mom again.
Would anyone even miss me?

The door opens and I look over my shoulder to see Luke with a tray of food.
I look at him with a small smile.
Doesn't he know Kain is starving me...
I can't eat this and put Luke at risk of getting hurt again.

"Here is some food since I haven't seen you down stairs in a while..." He speaks awkwardly.
I laugh and take the tray from him and place it on the bed.
It's sits nicely on top of the plush golden comforter.
I hug him with all my heart.
This guy is so sweat to me after everything...
I still can't believe me and him never really talked before.
I wish I could go back and make him talk to me now...

"Thank you..." I whisper and feel him squeeze me tighter.
He releases me and exits my room.
I know he is scared I'll do something else to hurt myself and that makes me sad.
I don't want Luke to worry about me when he is the only one who actually hives a damn...

I sit on my bed and begin to eat slowly.
If Kain knew he would kill Luke.
That is why I would let Kain find out Luke got it for me...

After I'm done I don't wait on him to return.
I leave my room and walk to the kitchen.
When I'm at the bottom of the stairs I see the room I hid in to hide from Liam when I thought Kain kidnapped me...
It seems so long ago...
I turn the corner to actually enter the kitchen.
Just my luck, Kian is seated at the bar.

I go to the sink and begin to wash the dishes.
He comes up behind me and I freeze.
His breathe fans my neck showing me he is closer than I ever want him again...

"I hope those aren't yours..." He growls out.
I smile and turn to him.
This shit either ends now, or I'm fucking leaving...
I don't need to stay here and take this shit from him.

"Oh no, sorry they are mine..." I smile and turn back to the sink.
I can almost feel his anger.
He throws me away from the sink and I hit the counter.
I hiss in pain, but not loud enough he can hear me.
He turns back to me looking livid.
His eyes the same shade of grey when he slapped me the first time...

"I fucking told you no... Who brought this to you?" He growls out.
I smile a hollow smile and gently move him out of my way.
I keep my eyes empty so he knows I don't want him in my head.
To think of it I never want him in my head ever again...

I go back to the sink and continue to clean them.
He grabs the dishes from my hands and throws them on the floor.
Everything shatters.
I jump seeing it flying everywhere.
Why is he just breaking shit and being and asshole?
This isn't the Kain I fell in love with a year ago...
I don't know if he will ever be the Kain I fell in love with again.

"I got it myself..." I smile again trying to piss him off even more.
Either he ends this or I do...
He needs to tell me how he feels now.
I'm not gonna wait around for the day he stops treating me like shit.
Will it be today or tomorrow.
How about in a year?
I'm done waiting on him to grow up...

"You disobeyed me?" He grows out looking livid.
The fuck am I his fucking kid...
I nod and see him lift his arm.
I know what he is doing and if he does I'm fucking leaving this fucking house....
That would be my last straw.

"Do it..." I whisper waiting for him to hit me.
He lands a slap to my left cheek and it makes my head snap to the right.
Tears gather in my eyes.
He promised to never hurt me a long time ago, but here he is.

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