Chapter 1. Life After the Run

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A/N This will be a short chapter but the chapters will be longer. Also there will be POV changes-just a heads up!


Today, 4 years ago, I wished my brother Toby away, beat the Labyrinth, and was able to get my baby brother back. For 3 years I dealt with my stepmother Irene, and then I was finally able to move out. However, since that day in the labyrinth, I began to love and protect my brother more. I do visit him on weekends though.

After I found an apartment, I was able to get a job at a clothing store nearby. Each day has the almost the same routine: get up, go to work, come home, relax, read, visit Toby or my friends, eat, and then go to bed. This is starting to get old now. Now whenever I dream, I can't help but think about the labyrinth, the Goblin King, and what my life would have been like if I had taken his offer.


4 years ago today, my heart was broken when Sarah defeated the labyrinth and didn't take my offer. But I come to realize that she was too young to understand what I was offering. Ever since she went home, I have always thought about her. My dream is to marry her and make her my queen. I wonder is she knows that I love her? Will she ever want to come back?  

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