Chapter 17. Saving her

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A/N: In Jareth's POV-during the time from the last chapter, then to the present (If that makes sense)


I wake up to an empty bed, and my head hurts. Someone must have spiked the punch. Oh the goblins might have because of all the excitement. I can recall drinking the punch with Sarah, then coming to our chambers and....

My eyes go wide as I realize what we did last night

...oh my we did it.

I will admit it was amazing but it probably wasn't the best time to do that. Yes I love her, but I wish that we had our first time...sober. How will I explain this to her? Speaking of, where is she? Maybe she went to get something to eat. As I get dressed, I hear her call upon me "Jareth!"

I quickly transport to the kitchen, but can't find her. It is then that I see a little bit of blood on the floor. Now is the time to panic. Someone has taken my Sarah! I will NOT stand for this!

I call upon some goblins to help look for her. "Goblins!" Most of them show up, which is okay. "Someone has taken Sarah! We need to find her! GO!" They leave, searching for her. Oh precious where are you?

5 weeks later

It has been 5 weeks and she hasn't been found. I don't know where else to look. I still believe that she is alive, and I will go to the ends of the Underground until she is safe again. However, it really doesn't help when Annie has been around more. She just needs to take the hint and stay away; I only love Sarah...even though I haven't told her yet.

I sit on my throne, and cry. I haven't slept very well, either. My beloved is missing and I need her! That is when I faintly hear her call out to me...and she sounds in pain! How DARE they hurt her?! I quickly transport to the location, but since the call was faint, I ended up outside the place she is being kept. She is being kept by Annie! Of course, oh why didn't I think of it before?

I enter her place and it is so disgusting. This place is a mess and it stinks! The walls are dark, and it is cluttered with random objects. I can't even describe the smell because of how nasty it is. I hear footsteps and see Annie coming toward me. 

Honestly she needs to wear better clothing because it is so revealing. It is absolutely disgusting. 

"Jareth it is so great to see you!" She touches my arm but I get angry and back away.

"Where is she?" Her face pales.

"Um...where is who?" That's it now I'm furious!

"Where is Sarah you witch?!" She starts to cry.

"You were supposed to be with me! I was supposed to be with your child, NOT her! She is in the way! I even sent the lion-" I grab her by the throat.

"So you are the one who has been trying to kill her!"

"Jareth we belong together-"

"I have heard enough! Now be gone forever!!" Using magic she disappears forever. Now she won't bother us anymore. I have to find Sarah.

I make a crystal ball appear and see that she is on the floor, unconscious in a dark room. The dungeon!

I rush to the dungeon and find her beaten, right next to her is a pregnancy test...and it is positive. Sarah is pregnant? I will have the healer check for sure. I pick her up and transport us to the healer. The healer checks her, and gives me the final report.

"Sarah should wake in a couple of days, but she will be sore."

"What about the possible pregnancy?"

"Your majesty, there is no possible about it. She is pregnant. The baby is okay. She is about 5 weeks along."

"Thank you, healer."

Sarah is pregnant with our child....I am going to be a father! I sit next to her, anxious for her to wake up, even if it will take a couple of days.

"Oh my love you make me the happiest man alive, I cannot wait until you wake up darling."

A/N: And Sarah is safe! Hope the chapters aren't too short, and I hope this book isn't boring. Happy spring!

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