Chapter 22. Fitting

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A/N: Sorry guys I thought I published this! But here is chapter 22!


I wake up to an empty bed, but find a note on his side.


I had to get some work done, then I am getting the tux for the wedding. Don't forget                     you have your fitting today at 11. I love you      ~Jareth

I look at the clock and find that it is 10. Oh my goodness I'm going to be late!! I quickly get dressed, and find the fitting room. Finally after two hours I am finished...for now. It will be like a ball gown, but there will be a lot of jewels on the front, and some at the bottom of the dress.

A/N: Pictures of the dress will be posted in the wedding chapter!

I walk to the throne room, but no one is there.


"Yes darling?" He replies in my mind.

"Woah how did you do that?"

"We are able to mind link precious." I blush.

"Oh. I am in the throne room, but where are you?"

"I am sorry honey, I'll be there soon. I just have to finish a couple things."

"Okay." I go and sit on his throne to wait for him.

Then my eyes start closing and my head falls into my hands.

Couple hours later

I wake up and find that I am on my bed, in my chambers. Huh? I look over to see Jareth, looking out over the balcony. I walk over to him, and hug him from behind. He relaxes against my touch.

"Are you okay babe?" He turns around and smiles at me.

"Yes love, everything is perfect." I rub my hand over my baby bump.

"So, in 3 weeks we will be married."

"Yes we will."

He kisses me and I melt. He has this effect on me that I can't explain. We move towards the bed, in full make out mode. His tongue enters my mouth and I moan. His hands are at my waist, and my hands are in his hair, tugging on it. We pull each other closer...if that is even possible. We make it to the bed, and he breaks the kiss.

"We shouldn't go further until the wedding night." He smirks and I laugh.

Then my stomach ruins the moment by growling. We laugh.

"What does my queen want to eat?" I have to think for a moment.

"I want pancakes, eggs, oranges, and some milk." He smiles. Gosh I love his smile.

Using magic he makes the food appear in the room. As I am eating, I notice that he isn't eating. So I feed him part of an orange. He smirks. I love my new life.

As we finish eating, we decided to lie down and watch a movie. During the 2nd movie, I was starting to feel a little weak. But I dismiss the feeling and ask about his work.

"So how much more work do you need to do in the office?"

"Well since I did so much already, I won't have to do more until after the baby is born." I smile. He worked hard so he would be able to spend time with me during the pregnancy.

I snuggle up into him and sigh in content. My life is so perfect. I am engaged to the man of my dreams and I am pregnant with our child. My dreams have finally come true. As the movie continues, and he is holding me...I feel like something is wrong.

I look toward my feet and see blood. I start to freak out. Am I losing our child?! I start to feel dizzy, but I need to get Jareth's attention. He is watching the movie, but looks bored.

"Jareth." He looks at me and notices my face is pale.

"Sarah? Darling what's wrong?" I start to see black dots.

"Baby." He looks down and sees the blood.

"Healer!!" He looks at me with tears in my eyes, as I start to become tired.

"Sarah, stay awake darling." I just need to close my eyes for a minute...and I do. I hear him before I fall unconscious.

"Sarah I love you, wake up please. Sarah. SARAH!"

A/N: Did they just lose their child?? Will everything be okay?  

I will try to update when I can (from now on). Thanks guys!

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