Chapter 6. Long and Patient Wait

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It has been a couple weeks since I found Sarah in the labyrinth, and she still hasn't woken up yet. I visit her every day, whenever I am able to. It hurts to sleep because I can't get that image out of my mind, her against the hedge, dying.

This is so hard, I just want her to wake up so I know she is okay. I seriously hope she wakes up soon. I can't concentrate because I am so worried about her.

1 week later

Once I finally finish the paperwork that needed to be done, I head over to see Sarah. I get about halfway there when I see the healer running toward me. I start to worry.

"Your majesty!"

"What is it? What's wrong?"

"It's Sarah-" I don't let him finish as I start running toward where she is staying.

I rush into her room and find her sitting up! She is okay!

"Hey Jareth"

She looks a little pale, but you can notice the blush in her cheeks. Her hair is a little messy but I don't care. She is beautiful and alive! Some tears fall from my eyes as I go to her and hug her.

"Sarah I thought I had lost you."

"It will take more than being cut by a fire lion to get rid of me."

I had thought about kissing her, but I don't have a fire lion in my labyrinth! I also need to tell her about the change she went through. "Um, what fire lion are you talking about?"

"I was going to visit my friends but this lion, which was on fire, came after me."

This angered me. "I have never allowed such a thing in my labyrinth!" I look at her and find that my anger scared her a little. Oh what's wrong with me? I just scared her!

"I am sorry for yelling. I will get rid of the lion at once, and find out who sent it to come after you. But I am happy that I didn't lose you."

She smiles and hugs me. It feels good to have her in my arms again. I don't want to let her go again. I break the hug though, so she can know that she is no longer human. I look her in the eyes, with a serious face.

"Precious, there is something I must tell you. Because you have lost so much blood from the cut, there was a decision to be made. Sarah, you are not human anymore."

"What do you mean?" She has a worried look on her face.

I rub the back of my neck, a little nervous for what she is about to hear.

"Sarah, in order for you to live, you have to become Fae." Her face goes pale.

"I'm Fae?" Then she passes out onto the pillow.

I summon the healer just to make sure she is going to be okay.

"She will be fine your majesty. She is just shocked by the news she just received. She should be awake in a day or so."

"Okay thank you."

I sit next to her side, very determined to be next to her for when she wakes up. I just hope you can forgive me for my decision love. 

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