Chapter 12. Horseback Riding...but not with Horses

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After I agree to court Jareth, we decided that I should move into his chambers so we can be closer. I don't mind at all, since I fell asleep there last night. After my stuff is moved, I decide to ask Jareth if we can go horseback riding.

I go to the closet and find some clothes that look like Jareth's clothes! So of course I put them on...because why not!

I go to the throne but he isn't here. Then the perfect idea forms in my head. I sit on his throne, just like he does, and wait for him. Now I understand why he sits like this, with one leg over the arm of the throne. It is actually pretty comfortable!

About 15 minutes later he finally walks in. Finally! "Hey Sarah, sorry I was finishing some work and-" He sees me on the throne, and how I am dressed. Then he smirks. Gosh I love his smirk.

"What do we have here?"


"Nothing? Nothing? Tra la la!" Then we both start laughing.

"Can we go horseback riding?"

"Sure, I don't see why not! But I don't have horses." I look at him with a very confused look.

"What do you mean?"

"Instead of horses, I have Pegasuses." My eyes light up.


"Yes, my love, now let's go!"

He takes my hand and we transport to the stables. I chose to ride the white one, while Jareth rides the black one...but I will admit they are very beautiful. The white one has glitter in her mane, while the black one looks manlier.

"Okay Sarah, all you have to do is tell her what to do, then hang on."

I whisper in her ear. "Follow Jareth please." Then we are off. This is so much fun, I haven't rode since I was little. After about an hour, we stop and rest.

"I'm so glad you are here with me Sarah." I smile and blush.

"I am glad I'm here, but I miss Toby." Jareth creates a crystal and I see Toby. He looks so happy, playing with his toys. 

"He is happy. As long as he is happy, I am happy."

Jareth looks at me, makes the crystal disappear, and smiles. "Sarah, as long as you are happy, I will be happy." I blush again. Dang it, stupid blush.

I look up at him and smile. "Can we visit my friends tomorrow?"

"Yes, my love."

"Thank you."

"You're welcome Precious."

As he holds me in his arms, we start to fall asleep. However it starts to rain. He transports us to the castle, and we go into a sitting room. The sitting room has a fireplace so we sit by it to warm up.

"Will someone get the Pegasuses?"

"Yes, I have sent a couple goblins to fetch them."

I start to fall asleep in his arms, by the fire. Before I fall asleep, I hear him say something.

"I love you Precious."

He loves me?!  

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