Chapter 8. Magic Dance!

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It has been a couple of weeks since I have found out that I am Fae. I am fully healed now so it is the perfect time to learn magic...because the powers are coming in now and a few accidents have been made. Accidents such as vases being broken, and other things.

Plus my features have changed too! I have more curves, and the stuff on my eyelids like Jareth has. My skin does show the scars from the cut, and previous scars I had from other accidents, but that doesn't matter. My hair and eye color has stayed the same.

However I am excited to learn how to make a crystal appear in my hand! I go to the throne room and find Jareth sitting on the throne, one leg over the arm of it.

"Don't you get tired of sitting like that?"

"Nope," He smiles. " Are you ready to begin the magic lessons?"


"Okay we will learn about the crystals first. All you have to do is hold out your hand like you would hold the crystal. Then you need to envision the crystal in your hand, wish it to be there and it is done."

Okay, it doesn't seem too hard to do. I do as he says but the crystal doesn't appear. I try again. Nothing happens. I try a couple more times, getting angrier each time it doesn't work. 

As I keep trying, the goblins start gathering around, watching and waiting for me to make the crystal appear. Once Jareth sees that I am now furious that I can't make it appear, he puts his hand on my shoulder.

"Okay, let's take a break and have some fun." Then I hear music start in the room. Everyone in the room starts dancing and smiling except me. What is going on? Then they start singing.

"You remind me of the babe."

"What babe?"

"The babe with the power"

"What power?"

"The power of voodoo"

"Who do?"

"You do"

"Do what?"

"Remind me of the babe!"

They are smiling, singing and dancing around the room. They all look so happy. Then Jareth starts to dance with me. "Oh come now Sarah! Join in on the fun!" 

So I do. As I am dancing with him, I start smiling and singing along. Yes, I have been hurt here but I feel so complete here as well. I am glad I chose to come back here.

"Slime and snails"

"Or puppy dog tails"

"Thunder or Lightning"

"And baby said"

"Dance magic dance!"

As the song continues, we all keep dancing. He twirls me around and I almost fall.

Jareth catches me, and kisses me. I kiss him back.

I think I found the one!

A/N: Songs do belong to original creators!  

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