Chapter 18. Surprises...and more Surprises!

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A/N: Yes I updated again! I might not be able to update next week so I decided to update it now. So here it is!


I wake up in a bright room and groan. This room is way too bright. I look around and see that the ways are a grey color, and that I am hooked up to some machines. This looks too much like a hospital. I look to my right and see him. Jareth!

Man he looks adorable while sleeping. What will he think about the baby? I hope he doesn't leave me because of it.

I should probably wake him up.

"Jareth" He stirs, but doesn't wake up.

"Jareth!" Finally he wakes up and sees that I am awake.

He smiles, and he looks relieved. He comes to my side.

"Sarah. I am so sorry I didn't arrive sooner."

"It is okay, I am here, safe and that's all that matters." He looks at me with so much love.

"What do you remember?"

"What do you mean?" I give him a confused look.

"Did you lose any memory?"

"No, I haven't lost any memory. I remember everything that happened after the ball, even though we were drunk: what we did, the kidnapping, everything." He looks at me, with a worried expression.

I have to tell him. "I don't regret it at all. I just don't know how we got drunk."

He chuckles. "Some goblins spiked the punch." I blush.

"Oh, well then." I start laughing a little. Then tears form in my eyes.

"Jareth, please don't leave me I-" He kisses me, and it is full of passion...and love? Yes, love.

"Darling I would never leave you. I love you Sarah."

I look at him and smile. When I found out that I am pregnant with our child, I knew in my heart that I love him. I am glad to know that he loves me as well.

"I love you too." He kisses me, and I kiss him back.

I have to break the kiss so I can tell him about the baby.

"Jareth I'm pregnant." He smiles and his face is beaming. He kisses me and I kiss him back.

"Sarah, it is January 1, and you arrived about three months ago. You make me so happy. I know this might be early." He gets down on one knee.

"Sarah Williams, will you marry me?"

I smile and I start to cry! I already know my answer.

"Yes! Yes I will marry you!" I kiss him and he kisses me back.

Yes this is a little earlier than expected, especially being pregnant. However, everything is finally perfect. 

A/N: Do not worry, this story isn't over yet!

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