Chapter 30. Baby shower

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It is now the day of the baby shower, and I am a little nervous. Jareth has invited some close friends so it won't only be the goblin kingdom at the shower. I walk to the throne room and find Jareth talking to some people.

"Ah, Sarah darling! Come and let me introduce you to my friends!"

There are four couples standing before Jareth. I walk up to him and smile. Jareth starts with the couple on his left.

"This is Blaze and Anna, King and Queen of the Fairy Kingdom; this is Zander and Elena, King and Queen of the Elf Kingdom; this is Kane and Ginger, King and Queen of the Gremlin Kingdom; and finally Caspian and Lilith, King and Queen of the Dragon Kingdom."

They all smile and bow. Then I smile and bow to them all. Maybe this is a good thing, I will finally have some friends outside the Goblin Kingdom! We all start talking, then Jareth and the other Kings get started about alliances and catch up.

The ladies and I have our own conversation. Elena, Anna, and Ginger seem more eager to talk, while Lilith stays mostly silent.

"So how far along are you Sarah?"

"I am 5 months along; I have about 2 more months yet."

"Omg that is so exciting!" I smile

"Yes it is. Now tell me, how long have you all known Jareth?" They all answer the same.

"I met him through my husband." I nod.

"Sarah, why don't you tell us about how you and Jareth crossed paths?"


I tell them the long story, starting from when I wished Toby away and called upon Jareth, to running the labyrinth, getting Toby back, winning against Jareth, my life in the aboveground, coming back to Jareth, and up till now. Their faces were completely shocked.

"So you are telling me that when you two met, he threw a snake at you?" I laugh.

"Yes, that is Jareth for you." We all start laughing.

"Okay ladies, what are your stories."

Anna speaks for them all.

"Well we all have the same story. The only difference is that we are from different kingdoms. You see, we were common folk in our kingdoms. Well, one day, for each of us, we met the prince of our kingdom and it was love at first sight. And that is really about it. There wasn't much else." I nod.

"I am sure there are no regrets."

"Nope not one." answered Elena.

"Do any of you have any children?"

"I have a son named Ethan, and a daughter named Diane." Anna replies, and smiles.

"I have a daughter named Jenny" Elena says.

I look toward Ginger and Lilith.

"What about you guys?"

"Lilith and I are hoping soon." answers Ginger.

The boys walk over, and Jareth puts his arms around me.

"I see that you have made friends darling."

"Yep, and they laughed when I told them about the time you threw that snake at me."

We girls laugh while the kings look at Jareth. Zander spoke first.

"You did what?"

So Jareth explained the story I just told the girls....and the guys start laughing.

"Well Jareth it looks like you have met your match." Blaze said. I smile at Jareth.

"Yea, I guess I did." We all laugh and set up for the baby shower.

Once we are finished, some guests start to arrive. We greet the guests, and mingle before we open the gifts together. There are so many things for the baby, that now we don't have to go shopping for a while! There are even stuffed animals for him as well.

We finish the party by mingling, which lasted for about 2 hours. I am glad I met Elena, Anna, Lilith and Ginger. Now I have women to talk to here. Jareth cleans the room using magic while I magically transport the baby items to the nursery. I am so tired, I can't hold back a yawn. I walk to our chambers and lay down on the bed. Jareth comes up a minute later, and holds me while I fall asleep.

Next Day

I wake up in his arms...did I mention how I love waking up like this? I get up, use the bathroom, and go make breakfast. Hmm...what should I eat? As I am still debating, he comes into the room...only in sleep pants. This sight is so amazing, and probably something I won't get used to, not in a bad way.

"What are you doing up so early?"

"I'm hungry but I don't know what to eat."

"Well why don't you go sit down and I will surprise you, okay?"


I go sit down and wait. Finally, after what seems like forever, he brings in the food and I feel like I can eat for a whole army. He sets a full plate in front of me and I can't help but stare, my mouth watering at the sight. He made waffles...and a whole lot of them! I dig in, because I am so hungry. I mean I am eating for two!

"How is breakfast darling?"

"It is wonderful! Thank you."

"There is no need to thank me babe." I smile at him.

After breakfast we go to the garden, just to relax outside for a little while. I put my hand on my stomach as Jareth puts his arm around my shoulder. I sigh in content.



"Do you have any, I don't know, enemies that would want to take our child?"

"No, there shouldn't be anyone. Everyone, besides that ex we got rid of, is nice, and we have many alliances."

"Okay, I am just scared that someone will take our baby."

"Sarah, no one will ever take our child, I promise."

I smile at him, and he kisses me. I kiss him back. We sit in the garden for a while, just enjoying each other's company.

My dreams have finally come true, and I couldn't ask for anything better than Jareth by my side.

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