Chapter 5. Worried

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A/N: This takes place during the same time as the last chapter then goes into the present. (I hope that makes sense). Here is Jareth's POV!


I wake up from a nice dream of Sarah and I. Oh how I wish it would come true right now...but it will have to wait. If I tell her my feelings too early it could scare her or she might not feel the same. 

It is best that I keep my feelings to myself right now, even if she does turn my world upside down.

Since I can't wait to see her, I quickly get dressed, and knock on her door. When there was no answer, I open the door but she isn't there. Maybe she got something to eat. When I get to the kitchen, I find that she isn't there.

I start to worry but she has to be here somewhere. I check every room in this castle, including the library and the Escher room. She is nowhere to be found! Now I am really getting worried. 

She wouldn't just disappear!

I round up some goblins, and give them the task to help me find Sarah. They all gather in the throne room, waiting for instructions.

"You all need to look everywhere for Sarah! She has gone missing. Find her!"

The goblins rush to their task, to find my dear Sarah. Oh my love where have you gone? 

It was then when I finally hear her call upon me. "Jareth help me!" When I hear it I get more worried and appear to her location.

I almost fall to my knees with what I see. Sarah is against the hedge, pale, and loosing too much blood. I quickly go to her, and find that her pulse is faint. I quickly transport us to the healer.

"Healer please help! Sarah is losing too much blood from her side!"

The Healer rushes over and examines Sarah. Once he is done, and gets the bleeding to stop,  he gives me the report. "Your Majesty, I was able to get the bleeding to stop. She is in a coma right now. However there is a problem."

"Will she recover?"

"If she stays human, she will die. If she is turned into Fae, then she will able to recover. "

I was silent for a few moments. If she is human she dies, but if she is Fae, she lives. Oh Sarah, do forgive me for my choice.

I turn to the healer.

"Change her into Fae"

The healer gets what he needs to change her into Fae. "Once this solution enters her body, the change will begin. It will be a couple weeks, a month at most before she wakes up." He sticks the needle in her arm, and the solution enters her system.

"Okay, thank you Healer."

Now all we have to do is wait. 

A/N: So what do you guys think so far? 

Any tips on how to make chapters longer (besides adding more wording, which I will try doing)?

What will Sarah's reaction be when she finds out Jareth's decision?  

Should I add a cast?

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