Chapter 9. More Teaching...

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Yesterday I started to work on magic, and Jareth kissed me. Honestly I liked the kiss. It made me feel that he really cares, but I don't know. I will admit my feelings for him have grown. We are back in the throne room again, and I am attempting on making a crystal appear again.

The good news is I am about halfway to completing the task. However, after this I have to learn to be ladylike. -_- I am more of a tomboy though so it will be a challenge.

But I should focus on the magic first. Jareth watches me fail at making the ball appear. As I am trying to make the ball appear, my mind wonders to what happened yesterday.

I don't really know what to say to him about the kiss because I want to continue that with him, but I am a little nervous. He smiles at me like I am the only person in his world. Not a day goes by without him being on my mind.

As I think more about Jareth and how he makes me feel, something happens. I feel a power inside me, and a crystal appears in my hand!

"Jareth look!" He smiles at me. He looks so happy.

"Sarah you did it! He comes over and hugs me. I love being in his feels like I am home.

Next he teaches me how to appear and disappear to different places throughout the room. Soon I can do that anywhere! We work on magic a little more and then we move on. Now I get to learn to be ladylike, yay....NOT.

"Okay so, when you arrived, I explained to you about what to wear at the right time. Do you remember everything I said about that?"

"Yes, that wasn't really hard to remember." Maybe this is going to be easier than I thought.

"So do you know how to dance, like ballroom dancing?"

I look at him, kind of nervously. "Maybe? I'm not sure"

He smiles, and snaps his fingers. Music starts to play in the room

Using magic, he changes our clothing. I'm now in a dress and he is in a suit. Even the shoes change. Well let's see how this works.

He bows and I curtsy. He takes me hand, and we start dancing. This is a lot easier than I thought. That is the moment when I mess up. As I am taking a step, my foot slips. I fall backwards/to the right. Nothing broke though!

He helps me up. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah, I'm fine."

"Okay, let's try it again a couple more times?"

"Yeah, I need the practice anyway." So we dance again.

After we decide to stop with the dancing for today, we start to walk around the garden for a bit. I give him a worried look.

"It's okay Sarah, the lion is gone. I just have to find out where it came from." I relax as we walk out to the garden. It is so beautiful here. All of a sudden Jareth stops in front of me. He caresses my cheek and I start to smile.

"You look so beautiful." Then we share another kiss, a kiss that is full of passion. The kiss then starts to turn into a make out session.

He breaks the kiss. "Let's get something to eat shall we?"

I smile. I take his arm and we go get something to eat. We relax for the rest of the day for tomorrow's event. 

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