Chapter 23. Miscarriage?!?

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A/N: This chapter is sad. You have been warned!


"Sarah I love you, wake up. Sarah. SARAH!"

Damn it she fell unconscious. I was ready to pick her up when the healer runs in. I move to let the healer look Sarah over, and then we are transported to the hospital like room. I am starting to hate this room so much.

After the healer is done, he brings me the news.

"Your majesty, I have some news. It looks like she was pregnant with twins, but we couldn't see the other one." I look at him, fear in my eyes.

"So what are you saying?"

"Your majesty, the twin that we didn't see has passed on. I am sorry." He leaves and I move closer to Sarah. We just lost one of our babies. Tears fall down my face. Yes we didn't know about this baby but it still hurts.

I watch her, not wanting to leave her side. I will protect her and our child until my very last breath.

"I am so sorry Sarah. Just know I love you and will always be here for you."

Couple hours later- Sarah POV

I wake up in the hospital like room...again. Ugh I hate this room. I look to find Jareth looking at me.

"Darling you're awake!" He kisses me and I kiss back. Then I remember what happened.

"Jareth, how is the baby?" He looks sad. He brings the chair close, and sits down.

"Sarah, we didn't know until it was too late. You were going to have twins. However, the baby we didn't know about has died. I am so sorry darling."

I stay silent. I was going to have twins....but one died? I start to tear up, and the tears fall down my face. He gets up, and holds me as I cry. We just lost one child, but at least we didn't lose the other. We fall asleep in each other's arms...with tear streaked faces.

The next day

I wake up and find that Jareth is still holding me. I can't help but feel like it's my fault for the loss of one of the twins. I look at him and find he is looking at me.

"I'm sorry Jareth."

"What are you sorry for?"

"I am sorry for losing our child."

"Sarah, that is not your fault. These things happen. We will have the other child. Things will be okay."

I still can't help but feel at fault.

"What if I am a bad mom?" He looks at me with such a serious face.

"Sarah, you will be the best mom, I am sure."


Finally later that night I was released, but I some restrictions. Oh well, as long as I am out of that room. We go to the kitchen and get something to eat, then head to bed.

Even though we lost one child, I am determined that I will NOT lose this one. Besides, I have my future husband to help me.

Once I recover, we can have the wedding, then I will finally be married to the man of my dreams.

A/N: This is a sad chapter, but it is far from over. Also, if this offended anyone, I am sorry. I might also get some stuff wrong with how these check ups are or anything with the pregnancy.   

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