Chapter 4. Visiting old Friends...or so I Thought

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After the scare from Jareth a few days ago, I decided it was time to pay my friends, Hoggle, Ludo, and Sir Didymus, a visit. They are going to be so surprised. Since Jareth showed me around the labyrinth a couple times, I think I can go visit them on my own. I skip breakfast so I can get a head start on the day.

As I enter the labyrinth, I start to admire its beauty. Why haven't I noticed it before? I must have been more focused on saving Toby. No matter, I have to keep moving if I am going to surprise my friends. My first stop is the Bog of Eternal Stench, just to see if Sir Didymus is there. Sadly he is not...but I am glad I can get out of this because it stinks!

I start heading toward the garden, but heard something behind me. I become tense, but turn around only to find a fairy. Well nothing is as it seems in this place. I continue onward...but I find myself thinking of Jareth. Does he really like me? Will we take the next step soon? 

My next thought is interrupted when I hear a growl. I cautiously turn around and see a lion that is on fire...and it looks at me like I am lunch!

I start backing away and then run as fast as I can. I can hear it following me, so I quickly turn a corner, and then there is a sharp pain in my side. I dismiss it and keep running, trying to lose the lion. Once I think I got away, I turn another corner, and sit against a hedge. 

My side is hurting like crazy now. I look to find claw marks, and my side is bleeding. The lion must have gotten close enough to hit my side with its claws.

I try to stop the bleeding by applying pressure to my side, so I can keep moving. However I become very tired. Then the thought hit me. I am loosing too much blood. Oh my god I am not ready to die yet!

I have one last thought before I become unconscious. 

Jareth help me!

A/N: Cliffhanger! I am not a fan of cliffhangers but it still makes the story interesting. I am sorry these chapter aren't long. When I typed them out on a document they looked longer. I hope to have longer chapters though! Hope you all are enjoying the book! 

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