Chapter 19. Recovery...

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I have to stay in this bed for the night, just to make sure the baby and I are going to be okay. He doesn't leave my side, unless he is getting us food. I still can't believe I am pregnant. I wasn't expecting this to happen so soon.

I look at Jareth and see that his head is in his hands.

"Are you okay?" He looks at me with sad eyes.

"I'm sorry Precious." I give him a confused look.

"What are you sorry about?"

He looks at me, very seriously.

"I am so sorry for everything that has happened to you-with that witch, and the baby. I mean I am happy that we are going to have a child, but I wasn't planning on having a child until we got married, but it's okay. As for the witch, I am so sorry for what she did to you, you didn't deserve it."

I stare at him, with tears in my eyes. It isn't his fault.

"Babe, it is okay. I don't regret that night or this baby. Yeah it is sooner than we anticipated but it happens. As for the Annie thing, don't worry about it. The baby and I are fine. Jareth no matter what this isn't your fault and I love you." I move over so Jareth can lay with me tonight. I just need to be in his arms.

"I love you darling."

"I love you too."

The next day

Finally released from that room, Jareth leads me to the throne room. I notice that there are two thrones now. I look at him confused.

"Two thrones?"

"Yes, I got a throne for you while you were with the healer. You will need it soon anyway." I smile.

"Aww! Thank you-" I couldn't even react as I threw up...all over the floor. After this I put my face in my hands and cry.

"Oh my goodness I am so sorry! I didn't mean too!" He holds me and tries to calm me down.

"Shh. It's okay, no harm is done." He uses magic to clean up the mess, and he leads me to my new throne. I sit and look up at him, tears still in my eyes.

"I'm sorry Jareth."

"Precious it is okay. It is just the pregnancy. Are you hungry? Tired?" I smile.

"Yeah, can you get me some ice cream...and some chocolate?"

"I will go get it for you." He goes to the kitchen to get what I want to eat.

I place a hand on my flat stomach.

"Hi baby. I know you were a surprise, but we love you" Jareth walks up to me with the food, smiling. He probably heard what I said to our child.

"Here you are darling." He hands me the bowl and it looks so delicious. As I eat, I moan because of how it tastes.

"Thank you."

"It is no problem Precious." He goes and sits on his throne, watching me.

After I finish eating, I get up to put the bowl away, but he rushes to my side.

"Goodness you act like I have a broken bone or I am already 8 months pregnant!"

"I'm sorry; I just don't want you to hurt yourself." I look up at him with narrowed eyes.

"Jareth I highly doubt that would happen."

"That is why I want to help!" I was shocked. Does he not trust me, even though I am not even that far along yet?

"Honey, I am glad that you are willing to help, but I can do some things on my own."

I will admit I said that in an angry way but how can I not be? He acts like I shouldn't be doing anything! He looks at me, and he looks pissed.

"Whatever Sarah!" He disappears.

I quietly put the bowl away, and slide down against the counter...with tears in my eyes. I wrap my arms around my legs, put my head down and cry. Why do I fuck everything up? It's all my fault. I continue to cry until I fall asleep. Before I do though, I have one last thought.

Jareth I am so sorry, I love you.


I appear in our chambers as tears fall down my face. I know she is pregnant with our child but I want to help her. Maybe I went too far...Gosh why do I fuck up all the time. I should go apologize to her. That is when I hear her.

Jareth I am so sorry, I love you.

I immediately appear to where she is at. She is asleep against the counter. I go to her and hold her. She doesn't wake up, but leans into me. That is when I see the dried tears on her face. Oh precious I am so sorry. I transport us to our chambers, and wait for her to wake up. I won't go to sleep until she knows that I am sorry.

Couple hours later

She wakes up and runs to the bathroom. I immediately follow, and hold her hair as she empties her stomach. When she is done, she looks at me with tears in her eyes.

"Jareth I am so sorry! I know you were trying to help me and I got angry." She hugs me and I hug her back.

"I am sorry too. You aren't that far along and I am treating you like you are about to have the baby any day."

She smiles against me.

"I am so sorry baby."

"I forgive you Jareth,"

"I forgive you too darling." We walk back to bed, but she looks at me.

"Honey, can I tell you a little about my past tomorrow?"

"Only if you want to, Love."

"Okay, goodnight Jareth."

"Goodnight Sarah. I love you."

"I love you too."

We fall asleep in each other's arms, and everything feels right again.  

A/N: Even though they had a fight, they worked it out! Let me know what you guys think so far!

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