Chapter 11. Passion...and Talking

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A/N: a little smut scene fair warning!


After my stomach growls, I blush from embarrassment as he laughs again.

"Let's go get something to eat, shall we?" He gets up and offers his hand to me. I accept and we go to the dining room. Food is already there for us. It looks so good.

"What is this?"

"It's pasta. It will taste different than the pasta in the Aboveground but it's delicious."

So I eat it. It actually tastes good. I hope I don't embarrass myself while eating this. As I continue to eat, I can see Jareth sneaking looks at me. Of course something happens when I catch him in the act.

I make a slurp noise as I try to eat. He looks up at me and smiles. Then he starts laughing at me! I blush. I just made a fool of myself. He is laughing at me. I should give him something to laugh at. Maybe at a different time, though.

I will admit that I do feel more alive here, and I feel happier.

I decide to just finish eating, and take my plate to the kitchen sink. I feel Jareth come up behind me and he puts his plate in the sink.

 I turn to him, and put my hand on his cheek. That is when he captures my lips again. I love his lips on mine.

As we kiss, I swear I feel sparks. As I kiss him back, I wrap my arms around his neck to pull him closer. Using Jareth's magic, and a little of mine, we transport to his chambers. 

I giggle against his lips. He traces his tongue across my bottom lip, but I deny him entrance to tease him. He growls and tries again. This time I give him entrance and gasp.

Our tongues fight for dominance, and I lost. We begin making our way toward the bed, and without breaking the kiss, he puts me and himself on the bed.

 There is so much passion right now that I feel like it is only us two in the world. He starts to kiss down my jaw and attacks my neck. I can't help but moan.

My hands are in is hair, tugging on it, and he growls. His hand is on my waist and one is in my hair. This feels so amazing like I can't even.

When he comes back to kiss my lips, I flip us, and start kissing down his jaw. As I start attacking his neck, he moans. Both of his hands move to my hair, and get tangled in it.

I don't think I should go any farther. Maybe we should stop for now. I kiss him on the lips, then stop. He looks at me in worry.

"Are you okay Precious?"

"Yeah...I'm just not ready to go farther yet." His face softens

"That is okay, we do not need to rush. We will go at your pace." I smile

"Thank you."

"Sarah, there is something that I want to ask you." I look at him, a little confused.


"Sarah, will you court me?"

I look at him confused. "Court you?"

"Courting, means dating." I smile.

"Yes!" He sits up to hug me and kiss me.

"I hate to stop but I am tired."

"That's fine."

I can't believe Jareth and I are officially together! No words can explain this feeling I have. But I am pretty tired and I don't want to leave his arms.

We are both too tired to care that I didn't go to my chambers. All I know is that it feels so good to fall asleep in his arms. Will I finally get my happy ever after for once?  

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