Chapter 32. Welcoming the New Heir

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A/N: And this chapter is in Jareth's POV! Enjoy!


When Sarah mind linked me about the baby coming, I almost fainted. I am going to be a father soon. I rush to her, pick her up and carry her to the healer.

"Just hang on Sarah, we will be there soon."

I arrive at call out for the healer.


He rushes out, and directs me to the room for Sarah. He connects her to the monitors, and checks on Sarah.

"She is only 3 cm dilated. It will be a while your majesty." I nod and sit next to Sarah.

I hold her hand as another contraction wave went through. I really wish I could help take the pain away. I hate seeing her in pain. I think she finally falls asleep after a while, and I do as well.

2 hours later

I wake up to Sarah screaming in pain. I immediately hold her, as she cries.

"Jareth this hurts so much."

"I know darling, just hang in there."

The healer comes in and checks on Sarah.

"She is now 4 cm dilated" He walks out of the room.

I hold her, and brush her hair out of her face. She looks up at me and smiles.

"Thank you Jareth." I look at her surprised.

"What for, love?"

"For being here for me, from the very beginning; for pretty much giving me a new life and for making my dreams come true." I smile at her.

"There is no need to thank me darling, you are everything to me. And I will be there for you." She smiles.

"As the world falls down."

Another wave of pain hits Sarah and I hold her the entire time. This is going to take a long while, but I will be here with her through it all. But one good thing will come from this, our child, future heir of the Goblin City, will be here.

6 Hours Later

It has been a long 6 hours, but I think we are getting closer to seeing our child. Sarah, asleep for now, is very tired. I wish this didn't cause so much pain for Sarah. I brush some of her hair out of her face. She is still as beautiful, even if she doesn't think so.

The healer walks in.

"Your Majesty, I need to check Sarah again, and if she is 10 cm dilated, and if she is then it is time to push."

I wake up Sarah.

"Sarah darling, you need to wake up, it might be time to-"

She screams from the pain of another contraction. The healer checks her.

"She is 10 cm dilated. Queen Sarah, when I say push, push." She nods


Sarah pushes and screams. I hold her hand...which might be broken by the time our son is born. She is panting, and trying to breathe like she is told.


She does the same again and again. She pushes for at least an hour. Finally the healer says something more other than just push.

"I see the head! One more big push Sarah!"

Sarah does as she is told, and then I hear the sound of a baby crying.

"It is a boy! King Jareth would you like to cut the cord?" I nod, and cut it. The healer takes the baby to get cleaned up, and weigh him.

I look at Sarah, and smile.

"My dear you did it! Our son is born." She smiles at me.

The healer brings in our child and hands him Sarah.

"What is his name?"

"Sarah, you choose."

"His name is .... Colton Bennie."

"Congratulations your majesties" The healer leaves us, and I look at our son in awe.

Sarah starts rocking him, with tears in her eyes, and smiles at him. I start to get tears in my eyes. I have the perfect family. There is nothing else I could ever ask for. Sarah looks up at me and smiles. I immediately kiss her. She kisses me back, and then pulls away.

"Do you want to hold your son?" I nod and she hands me Colton.

He is so beautiful. Tears come to my eyes again. This life is so perfect right now, and I cannot ask for anything else.

We stay at the healers for the night, to make sure Sarah and Colton are alright. In a few days, we will have a celebration, to welcome Colton.

The Next Day

We are finally able to bring Colton to his nursery this afternoon. As Sarah feeds him, I grab some paperwork and bring them to our chambers, not wanting to be too far away from them. When Sarah comes out of the nursery I look up at her and smile.

"He is finally asleep, and I am tired as hell." She lies next to me.

I put the paperwork away, and lay down with her. She falls asleep in my arms, and I fall asleep. That is, until Colton wakes up. But no matter, I have the love of my life and my new child. This life is absolutely perfect.

A/N: And let's welcome Colton everyone! Thank you all for reading, commenting, and voting!

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