Chapter 20. Past Talk

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I wake up to the best feeling in the being in his arms. I snuggle into him closer, not wanting to ruin this moment. He stirs, and pulls me closer, if that is even possible.

"Good morning beautiful." I moan and look up at him.

"Morning." He leans in to kiss me but I hold up a finger to him

I rush to the bathroom and throw up...again. I feel him behind me, holding my hair back for me. After this I brush my teeth, and meet Jareth back in the room.

"Honey, can we have breakfast up here today? I want to tell you about my past a little."

"Sure sweetheart." He has a goblin bring us the food.

He turns to me.

"So what's up?"

"There is something I haven't told you yet. Before you, I had a boyfriend or two. I don't like talking about them, because they played me emotionally." I start to tear up.

"That is why I am insecure, and I blame myself a lot. I feel like I fuck up everything when something goes wrong." Tears are falling down my face. He pulls me closer.

"Shh it is okay. I do not care about your past. I love you for who you are." He kisses me, and I kiss him back. Then there is a knock on the door.

"Come in" A goblin walks in pushing a tray of food.

"Thank you." The goblin nods, and leaves the room

We eat and watch some movies. I am glad I told him about why I am a little insecure, I feel like it brought us closer. Once we finish eating, the goblin comes back to get the dishes, and then we are left alone. I look at Jareth.

"So what happens now?"

"What do you mean love?"

"Well we are engaged, and we are having a baby..."

"Well, we will get married someday, whether if it is before or after the baby is born, that is up to you. But this wedding doesn't have to be rushed." I smile.

"I love you"

I love you too"

A/N: Just a filler 

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