Chapter 33. Celebration

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It is now the day of the celebration to welcome Colton. I am a little nervous, but happy to be showing the world my son, and heir to the Goblin Kingdom. I go to the nursery, and find Colton still asleep. I take this time to get ready for the celebration.

I get my dress on, with the help of a goblin. Getting dressed for these things is way harder than I ever imagined. Then Colton starts crying. I go to him and pick him up.

"What's wrong darling?" He looks at me, and I smile at him.

Maybe he is hungry. I try feeding him but he won't eat. I start rocking him. He finally stops crying, and I get him dressed for the celebration. Then all of a sudden he starts crying again. I try to feed him but he won't eat.

"Jareth!" He comes into the room immediately.

"What's wrong?"

"Colton won't eat and he won't stop crying! Did I do something wrong?"

"No no darling. You have done nothing wrong." He takes Colton and he stops crying.

"See, he just wanted his daddy." I let out a breath.

"Thank you."

"It isn't a problem darling. Why don't you go to the throne room and greet our friends who have just arrived."


I walk to the throne room and find Anna, Lilith, Ginger, and Elena all waiting for me. We all hug and they ask me about Colton.

"Right now Jareth has him; he was able to get Colton to stop crying."

We all start catching up, and are laughing when Jareth calls for me. I go to him and he smiles.

"Are you ready?" I take Colton and Jareth puts his arm around me.

"As ready as I will ever be."

We walk to the ballroom and find that everyone we invited is there. We reach the center of the floor, and Jareth speaks.

"Greetings to all of you. As you all have known we have been expecting an heir. Just a few days ago, our heir was born. We are proud to announce our son, Colton, heir to the Goblin Kingdom!"

Everyone claps as I hand Colton to Jareth. One at a time, each person comes up to congratulate us, and to see Colton up close. We smile and say thank you. Then the music starts to play, but not too loud. I dance with Jareth, Colton between us and we dance as a family.

I take Colton into the next room to feed him, then bring him back to the party for a little bit. Then Jareth puts Colton to bed, and I talk to the girls while he is gone. They all tell me how cute Colton is. They even introduce me to their children. I can't wait to see Lilith's and Ginger's future children, since they don't have any right now.

When he comes back, we all start dancing for a while. We also mingle with everyone there. This lasts for two hours, then we bid goodbye to our guests and check up on Colton. I feed and change him, then change my clothes so I can sleep. We tell Colton goodnight together, then lay down in bed. I look up at him.



"I love you." He looks at me and smiles.

"I love you too Sarah."

He holds me in his arms, and I fall asleep, dreaming of our wonderful, and soon growing, family. I am so glad to have this life. 

  A/N: The final chapter is next!  

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