Chapter 16. Jealously

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The next morning I wake up with a huge headache. What was in that punch?? That is when I feel the need to throw up. I run to the bathroom and empty my stomach. Wait a minute...why don't I have clothes on?!

I go back into the room and find Jareth still asleep...and he is naked too. Oh my goodness what happened last night. I can recall drinking punch with him...then we came here and...Omg we did it!

I am just going to have to wait until he wakes up to talk to him about this. I walk down to the kitchen to get some food and apple juice. I decided to eat in the kitchen, just in case my stomach needs to empty again. As I eat, I start thinking. What if this doesn't work out now? I don't want him to leave me. I just finish eating when I hear something in the dining room.

I walk in there, but no one is there. It must be in my head. I walk back to the kitchen, but feel pain in my head and fall onto the floor. I am able to have one last thought before I fall unconscious. So I call upon him.



I wake up in a cold room. I try to move but my hands are chained to the wall. What is going on? Where am I? I hear footsteps and the door opens.

"Well I see you are finally awake!" I looked at the person and see who has taken me.

"Annie what in the world are you doing?" She smirks

"I am taking back what's mine, but you are in my way! Once Jareth sees that I am good for him and the kingdom, he will forget all about you!"

"You are wrong. He will come for me." She laughs

"We will see. Oh and don't bother trying to use magic, the chains won't allow the use of it." Then she walks off.

I start to cry. I need him, but I need to be strong so he can find me. He will find me.

5 weeks later

Still trapped I'm thinking he will never find me. It has been pretty much a month and I feel a little weak. She would hit me if I made her upset, so I got hit at least once a day.I only get fed once, maybe twice a day, and something is off. I am more emotional, and craving. Plus my period is late, which has never happened.

I have been in the underground for about 3 months and have only had my period twice. My 3rd one should have been here by now. Wait...Am I pregnant?! I hear the door open, and see Annie carrying a pregnancy test. I try to not look shocked but it doesn't work.

"Yes Sarah, I have been noticing your signs. You take this test as you would in the Aboveground, except the results are quicker." She looks angry. "So you are going to take this test."

I gulp. Well there is only one way to find out if I am pregnant. She unchains me, and leads me to the bathroom. I go in and take the test while she waits outside the door. About a minute later the results come back...I'm pregnant. She is going to be so pissed. If I make it out alive, will Jareth accept this?

A/N: a little violence ahead

Annie starts pounding on the door. "Open the door!" I open the door and she looks very angry. I hand her the test and I swear I see steam coming out of her ears. She takes me back to the room and hits me in the face.

"I should be pregnant with his child not you!" She keeps hitting me until I can't get up off the ground.

She leaves, and I have on last wish.

Jareth help me!!

Then everything goes black.

A/N: What do you guys think? What will Jareth do when he finds out? What if he doesn't save her in time?

I will try to post another chapter soon, but I am on spring break and next week there is a lot with school. If you guys have any tips on writing, please leave them in the comments!

Thanks guys!

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