Chapter 7. Realization and Forgiveness

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I wake up to find Jareth asleep in the chair next to me. Then I remember what happened with the lion, and me waking up to find out that I am no longer human. I honestly can say that I don't know what I will say to Jareth when he wakes up.

I look over at him again and he has moved a little, but not woken up yet. He has bags under his eyes, like he hasn't gotten much sleep. His hair is also a little messy but it kind of always has been.

He looks so cute when he is sleeping and his lips look so-

"Precious, you're awake." I look over at him and was about to say something when he cut me off.

"Sarah I know you are upset about what's going on but let me explain. On that morning almost a month ago-"

I interrupt him. "Wait, so you are saying I was unconscious for almost a month?"

"Yes, now listen. I went to your chambers, but you weren't there. I searched the whole castle for you, but you were nowhere to be found. I even sent a group of goblins to help look for you. That's when I heard you call for me."

"When I appeared, you had lost a lot of blood. I almost fell to my knees at the sight. So I transported us to the healer but after the healer looked at you, he gave me the report. It was either let you die as a human or live as Fae. So I decided to change you so you could live."

I was about to say something, but I started to cry. Jareth comes over and hugs me. "Shh my love, you're going to be okay."

 "Jareth I am so sorry I got mad at you! But I am glad that you saved me." I look him at him while some tears run down my face.

He kisses my forehead. "You're welcome, it will be okay Precious."

"So what happens now?"

"Well once you are healed, I will teach you magic, so you can control it. I will also teach you other things such as ladylike things, and defense."

I give him a pout face. "Aww I have to be ladylike?"

He laughs. "Yes, mostly when there are guests around."


He stays with me...and we fall asleep in each other's arms. 

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