Chapter 3. New Home

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It is a little weird being back at the castle...and I have only been here for 5 minutes! First we went to my chambers...which is right next to his. The room is huge! It has a queen size bed, a walk in closet, a mirror that shows me my whole outfit, and a bathroom. There is also a balcony where I can see the gardens! It is absolutely beautiful.

"There are already clothes in the closet. It contains dresses and comfortable clothes. Around the castle when we have no visitors, you can wear the comfortable clothes. Otherwise you have to wear dresses."

"Okay, that doesn't seem too bad."

"Let's go visit the rest of the castle shall we?"

He shows me around, showing me what all the rooms are like the kitchen, dining room, the study, the battle room and many more. We come up to a pair of brown wooden doors and he stops.

"Okay this is the library."

He opens the doors and we walk in. This is a huge library! There are so many books here to read. I go to a shelf and look at the different titles of books. There is the Mortal Instrument Series, Divergent Series, and other old books that talk about the history of the Underground. I turn to Jareth, excited.

"This is so amazing! Do you mind if I stay here for a while to read?"

"That's not a problem, I have to go finish some paperwork, and I'll come get you when I am finished?"


As he leaves the room, I pick out the Mortal Instruments: City of Bones, and find a cozy spot to read. An hour passes as I am just about ¼ of the way through the book, and I hear footsteps. However when I turn around no one was there. 

Shrugging it off, I return to the book. I can't even read another sentence because my eyes are covered by a pair of hands. I put the book down, and out of defense I attack the person.

"Jeez Sarah, I didn't realize you would be so defensive." I immediately turn around and find Jareth, who is now standing a couple feet away from me.

"Oh my gosh Jareth you scared me! I seriously thought I was getting attacked!"

Jareth smirked a little. "I know, but your reaction was a little funny. I think I need to help you to learn some defense moves. Even though you hit me, it didn't hurt much."

He starts laughing as I glare at him. Then I smile, knowing that he is a little happy. I yawn, knowing it is time for me to head to bed. "I think I should head to bed, can you help me find my room? I don't feel comfortable walking these halls by myself yet, since I will get lost for sure."

"Okay precious." He takes me to my room door and kisses my hand.

"Goodnight love." "Goodnight Jareth."

I go into my room, change into comfortable pajamas, then go to bed. As I drift off to sleep, I have one last thought. Am I falling for him?

A/N: Book titles also belong to their creators. 

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