Chapter 2. Wishes can be Answered

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Today was an ordinary day, but it felt different...which is weird. Since I am now home from work I get to relax and catch up on some shows that I have missed. It feels like something is missing, but I don't know what. 

As I watch TV, I get a thought in my head. It would be better if the Goblin King was here with me. That's when I realized what I was missing. Without the Goblin King, my life became dull, but my life needs to be interesting. "I wish the Goblin King was here right now!" Then he appears.


"Hello Goblin King"

"Please do call me Jareth. Now, is there any particular reason as to why you called upon me?"

I look him in the eyes."Jareth I want to apologize."

He looks at me, surprised. "Apologize for what?"

"Jareth," I moved closer to him. " I am so sorry I hurt you 4 years ago. At the time I wanted to get my brother back, and I didn't fully understand what you had offered me."

"Sarah, I should have realized you were still a little young to understand the offer. There really is nothing to forgive." I close the space between us and hug him, and he hugs me back!

"Jareth, can you take me with you? We will start off as friends, and see where it takes us."

He looks surprised. "Sarah, you want to come back with me? You do realize you would only be able to visit your brother every so often right? No one else would be able to remember you."

"How will Toby remember me?"

"He will remember you as an imaginary friend."

"Okay, that's fine with me."

"Why is it that you want to come back with me?"

"Every day I do the same thing over and over again. It gets boring. The way I see it is that with you, my life won't be boring anymore."

He gives me a serious look. "Sarah, are you sure this is what you want?"

I look him straight in the eyes again. "Yes Jareth, this is what I want."

"Okay." He grabs my hand and transports us to the castle beyond the Goblin City. I feel like my life just got a new beginning.

A/N: I thought this would be a little longer but oh well. How is the book so far? 

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