Chapter 31. 6 months

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Not much has happened in the past month, the biggest thing was the baby shower. Jareth has been busy with all the paperwork and I have been talking with my friends. They can't wait to meet the baby once he arrives, whenever that will be. My stomach still grows and it looks like I am going to pop. I will be lucky if I don't fall somewhere.

I go to the kitchen, and grab a snack. I just finish eating when Jareth comes into the room.

"Hungry again?"

"Well yea! I am eating for two you know."

"I know, I am teasing darling. Is there anything you want to do today after the appointment?"

"Well I would love to visit the City, and maybe stroll through the garden."

"That sounds lovely."

I finish eating and we head to the healers. He checks on the baby, and gives us the usual report, but with a surprise.

"The baby is doing very well, and he is very healthy. You can go into labor any week now." He leaves.

"Jareth, soon we will have our little boy!" I get up, as fast as I can, and hug him.

"Well, do you still want to walk through the city?"


We leave the healer, and walk throughout the city. Let me tell you, just because most of the people are goblins, doesn't mean they are not busy. Many shops are open, even their bakery. We stop and buy a cupcake, and move on. I may or may not have put a little frosting on Jareth's face..which was pretty funny.

Many of the goblins run about; while some are playing tag and others working. I watch the little goblins play games and think about my child...and my future children playing the same games. What a wonderful future I can see. At least 3 or 4 children...are running around the castle or garden, laughing and having fun. I smile at the thought

We stop at a jewelry shop, and Jareth picks up a beautiful necklace with a green gem. He pays for it and then puts it around my neck.

"Oh Jareth you didn't have to get me this."

"Darling, I wanted to so I did." I smile at him and put my arm around his.

We continue walking, and smile at all of our people. Some even bow, which in my opinion they don't need to right now. Then we head to the garden to watch the sunset.

"This is so perfect."

"Not as perfect as you my dear Sarah."

I kiss him and he kisses me back. I rub my stomach.

"Let's get something to eat darling, then head to bed."

We go inside and eat, then head to bed. I fall asleep in his arms, thinking about our family, and our future.

A Week Later

I am walking around the garden, getting some well needed air. Jareth is finishing some paperwork, and then he will come and join me. I sit down and start thinking about my baby boy. I cannot wait to meet him. Will he look more like Jareth? Will he have my green eyes? What color will his hair be?

I stand up, but then feel a pain in my stomach.

"Oww, what the hell?"

I look down and notice that my water broke. The baby is coming...

"Oh god the baby is coming!"

I try walking back to the castle but it hurts. I sit down and try to breathe. It is a little early, but our son doesn't want to wait. I can't call upon Jareth because of the pain, so I mind link him.


"Sarah? What is wrong??"

"Come to the garden quickly! Our son is arriving!"

A/N: And the baby is going to be arriving! So exciting!! I also have some news, this story is almost over. About 3 chapters left!

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