Chapter 27. 4 Months

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Well Jareth and I have been married for a month now, and things have been...well...interesting. He has been doing all the paperwork since he doesn't want me to stress out. Plus my stomach keeps growing, and it feels like the time is going by too fast. Every day I sing a lullaby to the baby. However, I still worry that I will do something wrong in the future, even though Jareth says the opposite.

I go downstairs and make some breakfast, which includes French toast, pancakes, and eggs. Hmmm...I wonder what he would do if I brought him breakfast so we can eat together. I walk to his office...well kind of waddle, with the tray of food in my hands. I knock on the door and walk in.

He is at his desk, with a whole shit ton of papers around him.

"Hey darling, how's the paperwork coming?" He looks up at me, and a smile appears on his face.

"Well I am almost done with this weeks' worth. You made breakfast?"

"Yeah, I wanted to surprise you and eat with you."

He transports us to our chambers, so we can enjoy breakfast together. As we eat I realize that today is the baby appointment! It is also the day where we can find out the gender! When we finish eating, I quickly turn toward him with a grin on my face.

"So are you ready for the appointment?' He smiles.

"Of course I am. What time do we need to be there?" I check the clock and gasp.

"Um, NOW!"

We quickly transport to the healer for the appointment. Magic makes things so much easier, but I really don't want to depend on it. We enter the room and find the healer already there.

"Hello, your majesties! Are we ready to begin?"

"Yes." I sit/lay down on the bed and the gel is put on my stomach. The healer then checks on the child, and gives us the report.

"Your child is very healthy. Do you want to know the gender?" I smile and nod.

"Congratulations! It is a boy!" I look at Jareth with tears in my eyes, and his face is beaming with joy.

"We are having a son!" He comes over and kisses me on the forehead. The gel gets cleaned off my stomach and we make an appointment for a couple weeks later, We take our time walking to the throne room, happy to know that our child is a boy.

When we reach the throne room, I turn toward Jareth and put my arms around his neck.

"So, we are having a boy. It looks like we have some shopping to do."

"Babe, we can have the stuff appear since we have magic."

"But Jareth, I don't want to do that. Maybe for some items yes, but I want to paint his room, and do some shopping."

"It's okay Hun, when do you want to paint the nursery?"

"Well we have to pick a room, which I was thinking of the room on the left of ours for any boys we have, and the room on the right for any girls. We can even create a walkway from our room to the nurseries."

"That is a great idea babe. Do you want to start working on it tomorrow?"


He kisses me and I kiss him back, running my hands through his hair. He pulls me closer and I moan. The kiss doesn't stop until my stomach ruins the moment by growling.

"Let's go get you and our son something to eat shall we?"

"Alright, do you mind if we don't make our food using magic? I just don't want to depend on magic."

"Darling it is fine, we can keep making our food ourselves."

We get something to eat, and I realize I haven't seen my friends in a while.

"Jareth, can we go see my friends tomorrow?"

"Yes, but I would appreciate it if they came here, and they can help with the nursery."

"Jareth, that is a great idea! Thank you." I go over and hug him.

"It is no problem darling; I will send them a summons in the morning."

We finish eating, and walk to our room. We arrive at the door but Jareth tells me to wait outside for a minute. He is up to something again. When he finally calls me in, I open the door and gasp. The room is full of lit candles, and rose petals that lead to the bed.

I look up at Jareth.

"What is all of this for?"

"It is a surprise, and it's because I want to make this night special."

"Jareth...the baby..."

"Do not worry, we won't go that far. But we don't have to do this tonight if you don't want to either." I look at him and smirk.

"Tonight, unlike the other night, let's go slow."

His eyes fill with lust and he walks over to me. I kiss him and he kisses me back, while leading us to the bed. He lays me on it, and climbs on top of me. The kisses move down my jaw, and to my neck, where he leaves me a few hickeys.

A/N: SMUT AHEAD!! You have been warned! Read at own RISK! 

I moan as he rips my shirt, takes off my bra, and focuses on my breasts. I arch my back and moan as he sucks on my breast, my nipple in between his teeth. He does the same thing to the other one, and leaves a trail of kisses down my stomach. Once he reaches my waistband of my pants, he slowly pulls them off. By this time, I am only in my underwear and I blush,

"No need to be embarrassed love, I love you for who you are, not for how your body is, even though your body is hot." I giggle and smirk at him.

"Keep going."

And he does. Just like the last time, he gave me a lot of pleasure with his hand and mouth. However this time I returned the pleasure with my hand and mouth. Our moans filled the room, as did us calling out each other's name. Then we lay down in each other's arms. As we fall asleep, our hands are on my stomach, and I dream about our baby boy.   

A/N: Sorry I haven't been updating! Been busy because this school year is almost over, and I have been having a writer's block. Don't worry, I will update as soon as I can! There will also be time jumps later on in the story, just a heads up. Thank you all for reading! 

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