I) Hammerhead

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Another car passes by on the road, tugging at my hair with its wind as I wave my arms at it wildly. Noctis groans when they pass by, pinching the bridge of his nose. He looks up at Gladiolus from where he sits on the ground.

"I think we can forget about hitching our way there," the big man grumbles, leaning against Ignis's door and resting a hand on his hip. "Thought people were friendly outside the city."

Ignis pushes his glasses up with his middle finger. "You can only go so far on the kindness of strangers."

"Just gonna have to push her all the way," Gladio sighs, stretching.

"Fun," I huff, pulling off my leather jacket and tying it around my waist.

"I've already pushed myself... to the brink of death," Prompto wheezes, sprawled out on the hot pavement.

"Oh, get up," Gladio grumbles, patting Noctis's back.

"He's right," I sigh, kicking at Prompto's boot. "The car isn't gonna move itself."

"I thought the car was supposed to move us," the blonde whines, accepting my helping hand and pulling himself to his feet. He and Noct take their positions on the side of the car, Gladio taking the back.

"Can it," he mutters, looking back at me. "You gonna help or what?"

"Coming," I grumble, rolling my eyes and joining Prompto's side. The poor kid can hardly lift a feather.

"Ready. Steady... Push!" Gladiolus counts down, and soon the air is filled with the grunts of our effort while Ignis sits comfortably in the driver's seat, steering the broken vehicle.

"Why's this thing so heavy?" Prompto grits.

"Just don't stop," I puff back. "It's a car, Prompto!"

"Un. Believable," Noctis forces.

"Not exactly a fairy tale beginning, huh, Prince Noctis?" Gladio teases.

"We let ourselves get carried away," Ignis responds calmly, relaxing in the car.

"Look, these things happen!" Prompto protests, stepping on the toe of my boot. "Whoops!"

"Be careful," I huff.


"Let's just hope this isn't some omen," Gladiolus grunts.

"Gladio, do me a favor," Noctis breathes.


"You and Rayne push this thing by yourselves."

"All by ourselves?" He grits, digging his boots harder into the gravel.

"You won't even notice if we just let go," Prompto adds.

"Prompto, don't even think about it!" Gladio snaps.

"I'm sure you'll notice when you're..." I clench my teeth and lean forward, pushing the car over a large rock. "Bald in the morning."

"Okay, okay! Calm down," Prompto hushes me.

"Saving your breath for pushing?" Ignis suggests. I give a half-hearted laugh.

"Says the guy inside the car."

"Ignis, c'mon, time to switch," Noct pleads.

"Nuh-uh! We just switched back there!" Gladio argues.

"And, it's my turn, Noct," Prompto adds.

"His 'turn'," Ignis mutters to himself.

"My hands are killing me," Prompto whines.

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