II) Running Errands

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A- Arma M- Rayne

A: How's it going so far?

M: Alright. The car broke down, so we're in Hammerhead for the time being.

A: Well isn't that just great?

A: Tell the guys I say hi, I guess.

"Arma says 'hi'," I call to my friends, receiving a mixture of greetings back.

M: How's Signum doing?

A: With Dad or in general?

M: Dad I guess.

A: Not good. He's still moping around and whining. In a nasty mood all the time.

M: Cut him some slack. It hasn't been that long.

A: I know. I will.

I turn the screen off, returning to the real world. Prompto's chugging a glass of cold water, presumably Ignis's. "It's not that hot," I snicker.

"Maybe to you!" Prompto slams the cup back down on the table.

"Manners Prompto," Noctis admonishes, mocking Ignis's accent. Ignis takes a deep breath, releasing it slowly before standing. I can only imagine how thin the poor man's patience is running.

"Shall we go?"

"Can we pick up a bounty first?" I beg, folding my fingers together and sticking out my bottom lip in a pathetic way to get what I want.

"Un. Attractive." Prompto dramatizes his words with unnecessary pauses.

"Look, if I was trying to seduce Ignis, I'd think you could tell." I turn back to him. Ignis clears his throat.

"I suppose there's no harm in it."

"Yes!" I whoop, fist pumping. Prompto moans, earning him a well-deserved smack on the head from Gladio. I hurry up to the counter. "Hey Takka! Watcha got available for bounties?"

"Uh, we got a bounty for some problematic sabertusks just outta town for seven-hundred forty gil."

"Sounds great!" I nod, waving at Noctis. "Could you mark the spot on our map.

"Certainly," the man nods, picking up a pen and circling the spot. "There ya are."

"Thanks!" I wave back at him as we exit. Ignis turns to Noctis, who's already wondering off to who knows where.

"A moment, Noct?"

"Yeah?" the prince turns around, crossing his arms expectantly.

"We've expended the last of our funds on the repairs. I suggest we confer with Cindy."

"Broken down and flat broke," Prompto sighs.

"Adding insult to injury," Ignis agrees lowly.

We walk as a group back to where Cindy stands outside the car garage. The heat begins to lay off as the sun slowly starts to lower into the horizon, melting into the distance and no doubt preparing to rise again tomorrow. But what if one day it doesn't?

"Old man's in for both after charging us that much," Gladio huffs.

"Yeah, let's pay him a visit." Noctis hurries ahead, eager to fight for a discount.

"I don't think they get much of an income here on anything else," I shrug. Prompto reaches forward, playfully yanking on my ponytail.

"Who's side are you on anyway?"

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