VIII) The Cold Truth

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            I wake up with a loud yawn, sitting up and stretching my arms. Gladio, Prompto, and Noctis are scattered throughout our room, either looking out the window or reading. I squint at the light flooding into the room through the large windows. "Where's Ignis?"

"He'll be back," Gladio says flatly, smoothing his black tank top. I nod, pulling the heavy covers off my lap and standing to stretch some more.

"You weren't kidding when you said you were tired," Prompto grins. "You slept like a rock! Didn't kick once."

"And you out-slept Noct," Gladio adds, looking up from his book with a small smile.

"Gonna give me a trophy?" I yawn again. Prompto laughs.

"Yeah, you can have the picture I took of you. You look kinda like an angry angel."

"I don't really know if that could be considered a compliment or an insult," I frown, walking over to stare out at the rocky shores of Galdin. "Sure am gonna miss this place. It's gorgeous."

"Yeah," Noctis breathes.

The door behind us creaks open slowly. We all turn to see Ignis stepping in carefully with his eyes lowered, a newspaper clutched tightly in his hand. Gladio stands, setting his book down as a heavy silence fills the room. Sharp green eyes glance over at Noctis.

"What's that look for?" the prince demands. The advisor turns and places the paper in Gladio's outstretched hand.

"It's in all the papers," he says lowly, his voice serious and deep.

"What is?" Noctis asks, brows furrowed. Prompto peers over Gladio's shoulder and reads the headline carefully, deep blue eyes widening.

"Insomnia... falls?"

"Wha...?" Noctis starts, pure shock washing over his face. My breath catches in my throat. I can't help but to stare at Gladio, demanding more information. "This your idea of a joke?" he growls at Ignis.

"I need you to calm down so I can explain," Ignis says smoothly, though there's something unnerving hidden in his tone. The prince charges toward his advisor, leaning up into his face.

"I'm as calm as I'm gonna get!" he snaps. Ignis sighs heavily, eyes falling to the floor.

"There was an attack. The imperial army has taken the Crown City." When Ignis is done talking, Gladio begins to read. I lean back against the window for support. No no no. This is all just a bad dream.

"'As treaty room tempers flared, blasts lit the night sky. When the smoke about the Citadel had cleared, the king..." Gladio's voice slows, the words seemingly stuck in his throat. "Was found... dead.'" Regis... I look toward Gladio, my heart dropping to my feet. Clarus... His father has to be dead too then. Ignis hangs his head, shaking it slowly. Noctis looks over the newspaper in disbelief.

"No, wait, hold on..." the prince chokes out.

"We had no way of knowing," Ignis sighs, starting to pace.

"What?" Noct snaps. "Knowing what?!"

"That the signing was last night. That Insomnia..."

"But the wedding!" Noctis cuts him off. "Altissia!"

"I know," Ignis turns to face him. "That was the plan. Yet the reports of the invasion are all the same. How could every headline in the kingdom be wrong?" he demands, trying to drill reality into Noct's head, though he can hardly believe it himself. I shake my head, anger and fear bubbling up in my stomach.

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