XLVI) Guest of Honor

415 15 3

The goblins are easy to take out without their signature dark caves. Different classes of daemons begin to arise, wraiths with scythes pushing their way up from the ground. I grip my amulet, wasting no time as flames ripple down to the tip of my blade. The warmth isn't unwelcome as I slash at a wraith, igniting its dusty old robes and watching it melt into a pile of black ashes with a shriek. Across the station, I can hear Gladio swinging his sword around like a madman and Ignis throwing out fire spells at the enemies that continue to attack in waves.

I swing my blade around and bring it down over a goblin's head, bringing my sword back sharply to slash at one of its friends. Using my increasing momentum to flip backward and out of the cluster, firing three bullets before landing easily on my frozen feet. That might be a new record. Gritting my teeth, I push onward, taking out the third goblin in my path and ducking under a blow from the wraith behind me. But gods would it be easier if Prompto was here.

From my hands and knees, I swing my gunblade out to my left, catching the wraith midway through a poison attack and knocking it to the snowy ground. I'm about to bring my blade down over its head when I hear Noctis cry out in pain. Turning back, I see that he's been stabbed by one of the wraiths, only to be handed a potion by Ignis. Good, he's... My train of thought's broken when I'm shoved backward. I fall onto my back, rolling out of the way and to my feet quickly when a deadly-sharp scythe flies toward my face. Irritated, I summon a fireball to my hand and throw it at the wraith. Within seconds, it's nothing but a pile of ash.

I'm about to feel somewhat accomplished when Gladio gives a warning shout. I look up just in time to see a bright red laser coming right for me. Standing clear out of the way, I'm narrowly missed before I rush back to join the others.

"What is this thing?!" I demand, staring up at the towering daemon before us. Its "face" is sandwiched between two giant claws of some sort, each decorated with deadly sharp points that give off a threatening glint even in the dark of night. On its back, it has a rounded shell that comes to a point. All of its skin is scaly and black, as it always seems to be with these types of fiends.

"Deathclaw," Gladio replies, throwing up his shield to block a thrown spike from hitting Noctis.

The prince steps away immediately afterward, throwing a powerful fire spell that explodes into flames at the feet of the daemon. In response, it throws more lasers toward us in every direction. They're difficult to dodge even with my sight. Ignis gives in and uses a potion after getting burned by the red beams several times.

"What's the plan?" I call over the sound of the claw launching more thorns at us.

"Kill it?" Noctis suggests, dodging another attack.

The deathclaw lifts its shell of its back with its pointed claws, turning and aiming it at us. A whole bundle of lasers blasts from the shell, Gladio throwing up his shield once again.

"Everyone behind me!"

I grab Ignis's elbow and drag him behind Gladio with Noctis just as the burning red beams cross our path, snatching a potion from our stock and smashing it against Gladio's back as soon as the attack's over. Thanks for doing my job, moron.

"Just die!" Noctis shouts, blue outlines of the prince dotting the air as he darts around, crashing against the deathclaw relentlessly with Armiger.

With an angry growl, the deathclaw swats at Noctis like an irritating fly before stumbling forward. Noctis reappears before me one last time before sparing me a glance and a nod. We simultaneously conjure fire spells, aiming before throwing as hard as we can. The fiery blast creates a heat that's welcome, the deathclaw groans its last, fading into the shadows like the rest of the daemons we fought.

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