LVI) Year One

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With a final snip, I set the cold scissors down on the counter and look down at the piles of dark hair on the rough bathroom floor. Gladio runs a hand across the top of his head with a satisfied grunt.

"Nice job."

"And now I've gotta clean up," I huff, shoving at his side. "Move your @#$."

"What, you just gonna kick me out?" he laughs, shoving back. "Come here." Rolling my eyes, I comply, tolerating the kiss for a bit before pulling away with a playful grimace.

"I know it's the end of the world and all, but you really should brush your teeth."

"I forgot," he shrugs. I scoff, reaching up to run my hand through his freshly trimmed hair, working out the last of the tangles. "You really did do it well, though."

"I know." I step out the door to grab the splintering broom off its hook on the wall of the caravan and motion for the giant in the bathroom to leave. Instead, he blocks the doorway, looking thoroughly amused when I give him my best "screw off" look. "Gladio..."

"Let's just wait until tomorrow for that, huh?" He plucks the broom from my hand and puts it back, turning around with his arms crossed sternly. "Don't give me that look; you haven't slept in a long time. Go to bed."

"I can't just leave that wreck on the floor," I protest, motioning to the piles of hair littering the sink and the floor. "That's disgusting."

"It's fine," he shakes his head, grabbing my shoulders and forcefully turning me toward the bunk bed. "Go. Prompto and Signum are on Second tonight."

"That's not good," I groan, sulking toward the bed and rolling into the covers until I'm wrapped up like a mummy with my nose pressed against the cold wall.

"Don't be like that."

"Like what?" My voice is muffled by the blankets even as he unrolls them, pulling them up and over my shoulder. "I'm not being like anything."

"You're being like Noct went he pouts."

I pull the worn, scratchy blankets up to my chin, rolling onto my side and shutting my eyes. With how tired I've been, I'm honestly surprised Ardyn hasn't decided to summon up his little dark tentacles to screw my life up. Or maybe he doesn't control them; maybe he just planted the seed and this whole thing's growing out of control. Either way, I'm both relieved and suspicious.

The lights click off and the mattress sinks behind me as Gladio climbs aboard. Sighing, I turn onto my other side, huddling up next to the only source of warmth in the room. I don't know how much I'll really sleep, fearing the faces of everyone I've failed to save from the face of death as I meant to, but I keep my eyes closed and pray that I'll have at least a few hours of peace.

All too soon, an alarm is going off on Gladio's phone. He sighs, disentangling himself to shut it off. He sits on the edge of the bed a moment before reaching back and shaking me gently.

"Time to get the crew together, Rayne."

"Mm," I hum, squeezing my eyes shut and shoving myself into the wedge of space between the wall and the bed. "Just another minute."


"Gladio." Shaking his head, he inches toward me. His beard scratches at my cheek, making me cringe and duck my head under the blanket. "Go away." Stubborn as always, he instead reaches down and pokes at my side. "Gladiolus Amicitia, go get dressed."

"Not until you get up, Rayne Callen."

"I hate you," I mumble, dragging myself out of the crevice. Before I know what's happening, I'm pinned under two hundred plus pounds of Gladio. "Gladio!"

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