LXII) God of the Fallen

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"Only a little bit further from here," Gladio comments, stretching his arms over his head. "I think my heart might be slowing my legs down."

"Fight through it—can't make it without you."

"Ah—yes, sir, Your Majesty."

Cuts and bruises litter our skin and I can feel my muscles aching for a break. Insomnia is rather large, and to have run from the entrance to the Citadel while fighting horrific daemons the whole way... There's only so much the human body can take, even if it was training for this for twenty-six years. A behemoth roars ahead, but Noctis veers to the left with a slight limp. I think he may have pulled a muscle when we took down another round of soldiers. Even Gladio's sleeve is sliced wide open, drenched with blood from the wound Yojimbo tore into his flesh. Ignis may be the least harmed off all with only a darkening mark drawn across his cheekbone. Astrals, we're a mess.

Taking a deep breath before the dented gates to the Citadel, Noctis pushes them open, revealing the bright beams of light that still shine on the crumbled and dilapidated palace. A new energy shoots through our veins and we all start sprinting toward the center, desperately clawing toward victory, toward having our home back. I nearly choke upon seeing Ardyn appear on the steps to the Citadel, that same smug smile playing over his lips. He holds out his pale hands, looking over us as if we're mere pests beneath him.

"Ifrit, the Infernian. He doesn't share the Glacian's fondness of mankind." He grins, his eyes locking firmly on mine. I grit my teeth upon seeing a familiar blue stone glimmering on his chest. "But you can certainly expect a... warm welcome." He turns and begins walking up the steps with a wave. "I shall await you... above."

Instantly, the surrounding area goes black before bursting into scorching flames. When the initial blast of light clears, I see the fabled, fallen god Ifrit lounged across his spiked, stone throne. Noctis huffs, wiping the sweat from his brow.

"Stay cool—he's gonna bring the heat."

Just as Noctis comes closer, a glittering blue ball of ice glistening in his right hand, Ifrit raises his clawed fingers, washing over the king with a wave of fire. Crying out in pain, Noctis dives toward the ground, rolling to extinguish the flames. Prompto dives forward, beating the fire on the black material with a shout of Noct's name. I rush toward the blazing heat in preparation to block off any more magic attacks, eyes squinted against the bright flames scorching the ground. 

"Hang in there, buddy!" Prompto calls. "We'll keep him busy!"

Choking on smoke and barely able to gasp a breath around his pained winces, Noctis stumbles toward the sound of Ignis's voice. With my heart slamming my chest and sweat pouring down my face, I struggle with the decision to heal him or to shield him.

"Noct! Over here!" Ignis shouts, waving an arm. Noctis continues stumbling toward him at his slow, unsteady pace, evoking an aggressive demand from his advisor. "Quickly, before he strikes again!"

Ifrit spares us a smug smile, opening his palm toward us. Prompto shouts out something incomprehensive, dragging Noctis to the wall of cement Ignis ducks behind. I turn sharply to follow, only to find the solid ground colliding with my stomach and knocking the air from my lungs as the ground rumbles and breaks up. Gladio wastes no time in throwing me over his shoulder before sending me flying onto my rear beside the guys. Before I have time to register what's happening, Gladio throws his arms out over us, shielding us from the heat of Ifrit's flames. Tucking my head under his shoulder, I grimace at the immense heat washing over us, the air alone enough to burn my skin.

As soon as the fire passes, they're on their feet. I drag myself up, clutching my ribs in an effort to ease the incredible pain shooting through them. Unable to catch my breath, I lean against the marble pillar, raising my gunblade to fire a few shots at the god gone daemon. Ifrit stands, pulling a sword from the spines of his chair and engulfing it in flames. I duck with a startled cry as the sword swings over my head lazily, knocking me to the ground. Gladio drags me to my feet, pressing a potion into my hand.

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