XXV) Regalia Rescue

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~Four Months Before~

"They're what?" I demand, frowning at Ignis. He sighs, pushing his glasses up.

"Pushing the wedding back. A miscommunication between the two capitals, I presume."

"Which means they're pushing the treaty back," I huff, pinching the bridge of my nose and closing my eyes to slow the sudden pains in my head. "And that means more people are going to die."

"There's not much I can do," he sighs, pointing out my unjust irritation toward him. "Cor voted to have you kept off the front lines until further notice, though."

"I don't know if I should be offended or grateful," I mutter, leaning back against the smooth black wall of the castle hallway. "I mean, I'm no soldier."

"You were trained as one," Ignis replies, crossing his arms loosely. "Your father made sure of that."

"He just doesn't trust me," I scoff. "No one does. Not since Wyn's been here."

"That's not entirely true," he shakes his head. "They're only weary of him. Most of those who distrust you now never knew you before."

"I'm being turned over to the other side, Ignis," I huff, frowning over at him. "It's like being forced to be a traitor."

"It's not Tenebrae that's the enemy," Ignis shakes his head. "It's the imperials that have commandeered it." I sigh, crossing my arms.

"How far back is it getting pushed?"

"Only a few days," he answers, eyeing me thoughtfully. "I'm sure you will survive."

"It's not that," I huff, reaching up to push loose strands of hair out of my face.

"You seem to be getting along just fine," he comments. I don't miss the cautiousness in his tone. Or was it irritation?

"Whatever, Ignis," I scoff, rolling my eyes. "I'm coping."

"Interesting. You seem to have been coping with several different men since your high school years."

"Ha-ha," I mutter, pushing off the wall and walking down toward the end of the hallway. "Shouldn't you be babysitting Noctis?"

"He's off with Gladio," he shakes his head, following me. "I hope you don't take what I've said incorrectly. I only mean that you seem to fall too easily as one who's quite weary of strangers."

"Stranger or not, I'm stuck with him," I reply, almost bitterly. "And tell Noct I didn't appreciate his tattling stunt."

"I'll be sure to relay the message," he nods, though with a bit of a wry smile. "He's quite annoyed about this whole arrangement."

"He knows better than to be. It's politics. Tell him to get used to it."

"I can't promise anything."

I pull out my phone, sighing when I see Prompto's name appear on my screen. I ignore his call, tucking the device away for a later time. Poor guy just wants to talk. I can't talk right now. I can hardly think. I'm annoyed at the world, ticked off at everything it's taking from me. A pawn is all I am in its master plan. A tool to make the world go 'round without the use of missiles and magic. A plot device in its ultimate story.

"I think I'm gonna head home. Wyn's probably bored out of his mind at his place."

"I'm sure you make it much better," Ignis replies wryly. I roll my eyes, hitting the back of my hand against his chest.

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