XXXVI: Negotiations with the Undead

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"Where did you live in the city?" I ask quietly, trying to picture the details of the city. I'm horrified to find that instead of a vivid picture, I can only imagine muggy scenes in which I was involved. How do they slip away so fast?

"West side, back by that nice apartment building in the Second Center," he mutters. "Had a small place tucked in the back plaza."

"Hm," I hum in acknowledgment, relieved to find that I can at least remember that much. "Really? I always thought you'd have a nicer place."

"It was nice enough," he shrugs. "I didn't spend enough time at home to need anything more than a bed and a shower." He looks down at me, raising one dark eyebrow. "Where were you?"

"East. That tall place, Caelum Cove I think," I frown. "I wasn't home a lot either, but more than you, I guess. My brothers used it more than I did." I straighten, wrapping my fingers around the icy cold bar tightly, giving an experimental squeeze. "Signum was there when he wasn't at school or training. Arma was only ever allowed to have guard duty, and even that was every other day, sometimes special events."

"Huh," Gladio grunts, turning his amber eyes back toward the buildings far away from us. "So Sig wasn't even prepping to help you."

"We all just assumed he'd want to follow Arma," I mumble, lifting my face to feel the gentle, cold breeze against my face. "I was the big-baddie he never wanted to be. My father had nothing to say about it, so..." I sigh, "yeah. He just went to normal old school and back."

"He's gonna learn more than how to multiply fractions now," he grumbles, leaning forward against the railing and pushing a few stray hairs back. "By the time Insomnia gets back on its feet, he'll be a man."

"How can you be so sure?" I huff. He shakes his head, laughing to himself before straightening and grinning at me.

"You and your worrying ain't helping anyone," he teases, throwing an arm over my shoulder. I shiver when his warm fingers brush against the goosebumps on my arm, making him frown. "@#$%, you really are cold."

"I don't want the jacket," I mumble, raising an eyebrow at him. He rolls his eyes, sighing. "You've got nothing original to offer me, buddy."

"You're stubborn."

"So are you," I shrug, though I don't shove him away like I should when he pulls me closer to his side, sharing that warmth he always produces in abundance. I close my eyes, sighing contentedly when my temple rests on his familiar shoulder. A sudden crack through the air makes me jump; Gladio laughs. I huff, watching a shower of sparks fall from the sky as Altissia sets off more fireworks, brilliant colors scattering across the night sky. "What's the occasion?" I ask.

"Not sure," Gladio replies, checking his phone for the time. Grunting, he looks down at me. "Ten-ten, make a wish."

"Alright," I grin, folding my hands and staring straight up into the heavens. "Dear gods, please have Ramuh come and strike this man down with your holy thunder. He's being unbearably bizarre tonight, and I'd appreciate it if you could set him straight again. Amen."

"Whatever," he huffs, swatting at the back of my head playfully. "That doesn't count; you said it aloud."

"Fine," I sigh, rolling my eyes and watching the shower of sparks continue to rain upon the city. Moments later, I find myself watching Gladio instead, hiding a smile as he watches the show with increasing interest. I feel a little silly as I give a slight puff of an irritated breath, glaring down at the white railing underneath my fingertips. Just stop, Rayne. It'll fade; it's because you're both lonely. It happens. It'll pass and you can both laugh about it later in life. But still... But I still don't see it going anywhere. It's a good thing that it won't... Right?

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