V) On the Road Again

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~Eight years before~

"Really, I don't understand how to you do this," I huff, watching Ignis moving swiftly through the kitchen, stirring this, frying that. "Seriously, are you aspiring to be a five-star chef or something?"

"Of course not." His voice is calm despite his quick pace. "I aspire to be the best advisor the prince could receive."

"Receive? You're not a birthday present," I scoff. He leans over a pan gingerly, sighing heavily when his glasses fog up. He takes them off his eyes irritably, looking back toward me while he dries them on the edge of his shirt.

"I was born and raised here for that very reason. The gift of advice is one I can give." He slides his glasses back on over his eyes, blinking to readjust.

"You don't really need those, do you?" I lean back against the kitchen door. Thank the gods someone else was on break.

"My vision without them isn't too terrible," he admits, stirring a pot of some thick sauce. "Though you should know by now, I prefer perfection when it is available to me."

"Yeah, that's not surprising," I grin, crossing my arms. "Considering your mentor."

"I suppose," Ignis responds whilst accepting a plate from a young kitchen hand. "Thank you," he nods toward her before setting it on the long counter. "Rayne, could you stir that pot for me?"

"Sure thing." I take the wooden spoon into my hands, stirring the liquid inside slowly. Must be some sort of gravy. "This is for Noct's lunch?"

"Yes," he answers absentmindedly, plating a fried fish fillet. "The head chef appreciates a break."

"And you like cooking," I finish. "So it's a win-win situation."


He nudges my hands away from the pot, lifting it from the stove. I watch the steam billow into a cloud that gets swept out the window the instant it reaches a higher altitude. The pot clatters back onto the stovetop abruptly, making me jump and break my eyes away from the swirling vapors. Ignis is already by the sink running his hand under the cold water of the faucet. "Every single time," he mutters.

"You burn yourself?" I ask, walking over to his side to side. Through the water, I can see the bright red, blistering skin on the side of his right hand. "Ouch, that looks a little painful."

"It's nothing," he shakes his head, shutting of the tap and frowning at the injury. "I should get his Majesty his..."

"Hang on a second," I roll my eyes, reaching into my pocket, only to feel an empty pouch. "For Shiva's sake, I gave my last one to Arma."

"I don't need..."

"Shut up," I huff, standing on my toes and reaching up into the cabinet over the oven. "Freaking pubescent children, I swear." He blinks up at the cabinet, squinting to see past the light.

"I really should..."

"Got it!" I cut him off, pulling a roll of gauze down from the shelf. "Gimme your hand."


"Ignis," I mock his tone of voice. "Give it."

"You won't leave me until I do so," he huffs, handing over his injury.

"That really wasn't so hard," I mumble, wrapping the cloth around his wound tightly. "If Noct asks, I spilled boiling water on you."

"That's what you said last time," he points out.

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