XXIX) Aranea Highwind

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~Several days later~

The morning light disrupts my sleep the instant it hits my eyelids. I'm already in a bad mood as I'm snapped back into reality. I throw my blankets off me onto the floor, forcing myself to my feet and pulling my clothes on roughly. Tossing my bag over my shoulder, I stomp down the cabin stairs, crossing my arms and waiting for my companions to notice me.

There's a distinct presence of personal space at the table they sit at; oddly enough, that makes me uncomfortable. The first line of defense for Noctis is gone. All that's left is the thin shell I can barely stretch over all those present. Ignis raises an eyebrow from the kitchen, scrubbing away at a pan with his sleeves rolled up past his elbows.

"Someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed," Noctis comments, raising an eyebrow when I shoot him a glare.

"Would you like me to make you anything?" Ignis asks, nodding toward the young man to my left. "Prompto ate yours."

"I was hungry, man!" the blond protests. "It's all these nerves I've got for today." He pauses. "We're leaving today, right?"

"Yeah," Signum yawns, leaning back in his seat. "Took you guys long enough."

"We were getting ready," I roll my eyes, falling into the white chair beside Prompto and resting my chin in my palm. "We couldn't leave without any money."

"Sure you could've," he shrugs. "What time are you leaving?"

"As soon as we've cleaned up," Ignis replies, dying a bowl with a white towel.

"I'll go put the stuff in the truck," Prompto chirps, standing up and snatching my backpack away from me. Noctis sighs, staring at his phone screen.

"Signum and I can clean up," Iris offers. "We're gonna be staying here anyway."

"Yeah, the world can't wait too long for your little trip to Altissia," Signum agrees.

"Apparently Gladio doesn't agree," I huff, standing. Ignis sighs, shaking his head.

"It must have been urgent if he decided to leave us at this time."

"Doesn't make him any less of a hypocrite," I counter, watching Iris clear off the table and nudge Ignis away from the sink.

"Seriously, Iggy! We've got it," she giggles, snatching his towel away and taking his place at the sink. Signum shakes his head, rolling his eyes when I tug him into a tight hug. He needs to stop growing.

"Watch out for Iris while her incompetent brother's away," I mutter.

"Take care of the prince while his idiotic bodyguard's gone," he replies with a laugh.

"Let's get a move on!" Prompto calls cheerfully. "The mythril can't wait forever."

I take Gladio's seat in the car, and admittedly, enjoy the extra space. I miss the warmth though. At least now I can move my arms freely and Noct's dirty boots aren't rubbing mud on my lap. Prompto turns the radio on low volume, humming along to whatever instrumental song begins to play. Ignis pulls out of the rocky driveway and turns onto the road, taking us back toward where we came from. The sky is clear and bright, full of calming blues and swirling whites. It doesn't match the dreary grays of my mood's palette at all.

"So how far away is this mythril?" Noctis asks through a yawn.

"It should be close to the waterfall we visited before," Ignis replies.

Prompto continues to bop his head to his music, grinning brightly. I laugh to myself, shaking my head and turning to look out at the sea. The waves below us beat at the dark shores of Cape Caem, dragging bits and pieces of rocks and shells and plants with them. I guess that's the perfect metaphor for the four (occasionally, five) of us.

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