XLIII) Honest Ignis

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            It feels like centuries later that Prompto shakes my shoulder.

"We should get moving," he says, drawing me away from my ever-darkening thoughts. I sit up, watching the blonde hurry to Ignis and hand him his cane. "You okay, Ignis?"

"I'm fine," Ignis replies shortly. "Don't mind me."

"Let's go," I sigh, pushing myself to my feet and ignoring my protesting muscles as I head down the natural, steep ramp the glowing haven provides. Gladio guides Ignis back down and we continue our walk to the shed containing the key for the control panel.

"These tombs are always in the darndest places," Prompto comments. Gladio grunts.

"Glad you're taking this seriously."

"Found it," Noctis sighs, reaching into a nearby shelter and pulling a rusted key free.

"Good," Gladio replies shortly. I resist the urge to dig my elbow into his ribs. Give the kid a break.

"That takes care of the key!" Prompto cheers.

"And the generators?" Ignis asks.

"Apparently, they're back by the control panel," Prompto shrugs. I sigh, shaking my head.

"And now we walk all the way back," I mutter. Gladio frowns at me, walking past stiffly.

"Don't you start whining too."

Rolling my eyes, I follow the rest of the group, keeping a sharp eye out for any dangers to Ignis. He may be pushing my help away, but he can't see to know that I'm offering all I can from a distance.


"We've got the power!" Prompto cheers as Noctis pulls the lever on the final generator.

"Might not have it for long, though," Gladio shakes his head, tugging down on the bottom of his black tank top, the powerful muscles in his arms rippling with every movement. I tear my eyes away. Now's a highly inappropriate time to gawk, Rayne. "Hurry up and move the machine."

"Yes, sir," Noctis says under his breath, turning on his heels and heading down the rusted stairs that lead straight down to the control panel for the drill. He pauses to take a look down from the ledge.

"Hurry up, we ain't got time to waste," Gladio demands.

"Think I don't know that?" Noct snaps, continuing downward. He wades through the water quickly, pulling the final lever on the control panel. There's a loud groan and an enormous puff of black smoke takes to the skies. "You hear that?"

"Sounds like we're clear!" Prompto cheers, throwing a fist in the air.

"Grand," Ignis replies.

"Then let's move," Gladio presses, watching with demanding eyes as Noctis climbs down the stairs and leads the way back to where we saw the drill the first time. I can just barely make out the shape of the rusty vehicle in the distance when Gladio pulls Noctis to a stop. "Hold on. You sure you're ready for this? You got what it takes?" Gladio, what are you doing?

"To do what?" Noct grits, turning sharply to glower at Gladio. The larger man steps forward, approaching the prince head on. Watch it...

"To face your ancestors and convince them to lend you their strength. Got a long road ahead." He crosses his arms, now looking straight down at Noctis. "Can you see this through to the end?" Noctis lifts his chin, eyes narrowed.

"Can and will." He crosses his pale arms tightly. "Whether I like it or not, I've got a duty to fulfill—as king." Gladio grunts.

"You're #$%^ right you do." His amber eyes narrow, his jaw tight. "And that means you'd better start taking this seriously." With that, he brushes past and waits by the drill. Noctis shakes his head, turning to follow.

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