XXIII: Fociaugh Hollow

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            I wake up to the feeling of Ignis's warmth disappearing, the telltale shuffling of him getting up filling my suddenly alert ears. I shiver as one of my sources of heat disappears. While we have the sleeping bags, they were too wet to be slept in comfortably, so we opted to sleep on top of them and stick close together. There's a slight touch to my shoulder and my eyes flutter open, met with Ignis's. It's still dark, the little light the early sun provides struggling to shine through the heavy fog outside.

Ignis glances toward the entrance of the tent, looking back to me in silent question. He obviously knows he woke me up. I nod, carefully wiggling myself free from Gladio's heavy leg and scoot away from him cautiously as not to wake him up. They guy could use a little more rest considering all he's doing for Noct. I follow Ignis out of the tent, picking my over Prompto and Noctis, the prince's back curled against his shield's and the blond balled up close to Noct's chest. I allow a small smile before leaving, the image imprinted in my mind.

"I apologize for waking you," Ignis says quietly once we're safely outside. "That wasn't my intention, but I thought it might be hard for you to fall back asleep."

"And you were right," I grin, appreciating Ignis's thoughtfulness toward the little things. I don't think he would've wanted everyone cranky because of my restless tossing and turning. "Gladio's pretty warm, though."

"Indeed," Ignis nods, heading toward his cooking station and turning on the stove. "There should be some things in my bag for breakfast."

"Alrighty," I sigh, kneeling down toward his bag and dig through layers of clothing, careful not to ruin their folding too much. Ignis'll be pissed if I get his clothes all wrinkled and balled up. "Eggs?"

"There should also be some potatoes and peppers in there too," he replies, taking the handful of eggs I hand him. He continues to list things off as he prepares breakfast, switching places with me if I can't identify what exactly he's taking about. I didn't realize he could fit so much food in his backpack. "Here we are," he says gently, transferring food onto three plates and reaching down for his water canteen. "Gladio should be up when he smells it," he mutters, handing a plate to me. I sigh, accepting a fork and sitting on the edge of the haven.

"I can see a few elemental crystals from here," I comment as Ignis busies himself behind me. I frown, looking back at him. "Iggy, take a break. They're not getting up anytime soon."

"I'm only making sure their breakfast doesn't cool," Ignis reassures me, doing a few more things I can't see before settling beside me. "Noct cleared them yesterday while we were setting up. They've regenerated already?"

"Guess so," I shrug, scooping a forkful of eggs into my mouth. "Think he'll mind if I get my hands on some?"

"He's not up," Ignis replies, taking his time with his food. "The early bird gets the worm."

"Except when it comes to a king," I laugh. "Then he's got dibs on everything."

"I'm sure he wouldn't mind," Ignis shakes his head, setting his plate on his lap and pulling his glasses off his face. He wipes at the lenses with a portion of his shirt.

"This fog really isn't helping you with the whole sight thing," I comment. "Y'know, you look younger without those on."

"So I've heard," he replies, setting them back on his face and aging five years. "Though, I'd much rather see clearly than worry about my youthful appearance."

"Guess so," I shrug. "I mean, you could always wear contacts. I know Prompto does."

"I'd rather not jab my eyes with my fingers that often," he says, offering a small smile.

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