III) First Night Out

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~Nine years before~

"He was up all night doing what?" I frown, crossing my arms.

"He's suffering from some sort of paranoia; he was searching the castle for Imperials. Must be from the lack of sleep," my father sighs. "So I'm in charge while he's resting. But..."

"You need to go make sure Signum's okay," I finish. "Yeah, I know. I'll be fine watching the little brat."

"He's only three years younger than you," he admonishes, looking toward the prince's door anxiously. "Don't lose sight of your job, Rayne. No distractions."

"Got it," I nod, smiling up at him. "It's just for a few minutes, should be fine."

"That's my girl," he chuckles, resting one of his big hands on my head.

"Magnus!" A voice calls down the hallway.

"I'm coming!" With one last purposeful look, my father turns and runs down the pristine castle hallway.

"Alright, let's get this over with," I mumble to myself, stretching my arms before knocking on the giant ebony door to Prince Noctis's room. "Your Highness, permission to enter."

"Yeah, come in," a young voice calls back. Rolling my eyes, I turn the grand, engraved doorknob and step into a large bedroom. On a wide bed across from me sits Prince Noctis himself, his wild black hair sticking up in all sorts of strange ways. A few feet away stands Ignis, his arms crossed tightly over his chest. The young prince freezes, frowning at me. "Who are you?"

"I'm watching you for the time being," I answer, bowing awkwardly. This is the weirdest thing ever... Tallin definitely didn't prepare me for this crap.

"Manners, Your Majesty," Ignis corrects firmly in his light accent, lifting his glasses up. He turns to me, nodding. "Hello Rayne."

"Ignis," I nod back, standing straight beside the door, crossing my arms. The room is comfortably warm, presumably from the large window in the right side of the room that allows the sun to shine through onto the wooden floor. Noctis blinks at me a second longer, turning back to his future advisor.

"C'mon, Ignis, can't you tell me where it is?"

"I'm afraid not," his older friend replies, hiding a sheepish smile beneath his cool composure. He looks down at the watch fastened around his wrist. "I must go now or I'll be late for tactics."

"Already?" Noctis groans, falling back onto his mattress. "Fine."

"Farewell," Ignis bids us goodbye, pausing beside me at the door. "And good luck."

"Thank you," I huff.

"I'm not that bad," Noctis grumbles, closing his big blue eyes. "... Why do I need a guard anyway?"

"To ensure your safety," I respond with practiced precision. Lines I've had to memorize inside out in order to assure my respectfulness in front of royalty. This child, though, doesn't act very much like royalty. His laid-back nature is one that concerns the king, or so I'm told by my uncle.

"But I am safe," he pouts, looking out the window. "I'm in my room. What bad guy wants me that bad?" Does he not remember the Imperials who stole Lady Lunafreya away from him, or that massacred the guards and citizens who joined he and his father on that day? I frown. My own aunt, Tallin's dear wife, was killed protecting those who were there, defending the royal family, Luna, and the other citizens.

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