XXXV: Altissia

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~Four Months Before~

I'm broken from my comfortable dreams as my phone vibrates against the wood of the bedside table. Opening my blurry eyes tiredly, I reach for the buzzing device and slide my thumb across the glowing green symbol on its screen without checking the number.

"Hello?" I mumble, careful not to wake the warmth curled up against my side.

"Rayne, where the @#$% are you!?" I wince as my father's angry voice blasts through the speaker by my ear. Sighing, I sit up, the blankets wrapped around me tumbling onto the soft mattress. Wyn stirs in his sleep, frowning and clutching onto a pillow.

"Why's it matter?"

"Why does it...?!" There's an irritated huff from the other line. "Get down to your apartment now. We need to talk."

"What about?" I ask lazily, yawning and taking my time getting to my feet. The wooden floor feels cold and unwelcome to my feet, but I continue to gather my things all the same.

"What do you think?" A long, tense pause. "You're in his room, aren't you?"

"What the...?" I frown, pausing to glance back at Wyn.

"I'm only assuming," my dad explains dryly, having received his answer. "Get up here."

He hangs up abruptly, leaving me to roll my eyes and set my phone back onto the side table as I yank my jacket on. I settle in the black leather chair across the room to tug my boots on, tying them quickly and standing. Where did I put...? I huff as Wyn grins up at me innocently, my phone casting a soft glow on his face.

"Contrary to what appears to be popular belief, your birthday is not a secure password."

"Wyn," I scoff, reaching for the device. He rolls over, snatching it from my reach at the last second.

"You have an interesting Tumbling feed. I thought this site was for brooding teenagers, though."

"Wyn!" I protest, my face growing hot. I kneel behind him, reaching over his shoulder blindly to steal my phone back.

"Hang on," he replies calmly, turning his face to smile up at me cockily, waiting. I roll my eyes, pressing an annoyed kiss to his lips before demanding my phone back. Laughing, he hands it back, sitting up. "Who was that?"

"My dad," I mutter, shoving my phone into my pocket. "He wants me to go talk to him."

"Oh, Magnus Callen," Wyn sighs, pushing his fair hair out of his face. "Please hurry back, then. There's something I have to say as well."

"You can't just tell me now?" I ask, raising an eyebrow.

"That would keep you longer, now wouldn't it?" he replies smoothly. "Besides, I've got to call my sister, check up on her like a good big brother." I frown; there was something there that just wasn't Wyn.

"Don't wanna tick my dad off?" I raise an eyebrow, brushing off my feelings of dread. It can't be anything but my nerves. "He's not that scary." Wyn shakes his head.

"Good luck."

Standing, I take a deep breath and leave the room. As I reach for the handle of the front door, there's an odd, soft noise behind me. Frowning, I glance back over my shoulder. Another whir, but I see nothing. I shake my head, leaving the apartment. My brisk pace down the flight of concrete stairs takes me to my own home all too quickly. My hand barely brushes the cold metal of the doorknob before the panel of black wood before me swings inward, my seething father glaring back at me. Blinking in stunned silence, I watch as he reaches forward and snatches my wrist from the air, dragging me inside.

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