XXVI) They'll Pay

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"This is the might of the Six," Noctis breathes, his voice hushed.

"Dude..." Prompto gushes. "That. Was. Awesome!"

"And it did the trick," Ignis nods. "The place is dead."

"Rest in pieces," I scoff, kicking at a random chunk of an MT.

"Let's grab the Regalia and split," Gladio says, pushing us toward the car's location.

"Piece of cake, huh?" Prompto grins, elbowing me. I wince, the adrenaline fading and allowing my injuries to pummel me.

"Not exactly," I grimace, glancing back at Ignis. "Any Hi-potions?"

"Only regular," he shakes his hand, handing the simple blue vial over. I sigh, crushing it in my hand and feeling a slight relief. We're all looking pretty rough, covered in dirt and burns and blood and sweat. Bruises and cuts litter our once clean skin, and yet, we all feel very much alive. We just took out an entire imperial base, just the four of us. With just a little help from the thunder god, of course. "We dealt the imperial a crushing blow today," he says, the slightest bit of pride seeping into his voice. "The marshal will be pleased to hear of this."

"Pretty sweet bustin' up this base," Prompto says, tapping his chin. His face lights up. "Bust-a-base! I like the sound of that for this sort of thing." He looks around excitedly. "There's a base... we go in and bust it up. Bust-a-base!" Noctis groans, Gladio rolling his eyes. I share a concerned glance with Ignis. "Whatever, I'm calling it that. You don't have to."

"I won't," Noctis laughs.

"It seems a bit flippant," Ignis adds, pushing his glasses up.

"Why not go for something a little more epic?" Gladio suggests. Prompto rolls his eyes.

"Because I thought of it first, so that's the name. 'Bust-a-base'... Get used to it."

"Easier said than done," Noct counters.

"He'll forget eventually," I shake my head, reaching up to pull my loose ponytail tighter.

Ignis looks over the Regalia with sharp eyes, trying to find any imperfections that may have been inflicted by imperial hands. Prompto touches my shoulder.

"Uh, guys?"

I swivel around to see Ravus Nox Fleuret walking toward us in his long white uniform. His sword in hand, he approaches us confidently.

"Long has it been, Noctis," he greets, through there's menace laced thickly in voice. Gladio and I immediately move in front of the prince, Ignis pulling Prompto back by his arm. I glare into Ravus's cold blue eyes, prepared to drive my blade straight through his heart if I have to. "You receive the Storm's blessing." He raises his sword, pointing at Noct's throat. "And yet, you know nothing of the consequences."

"Watch it," I snap, stepping forward only to feel the sharp edge of his blade against my throat, pushing my head back. My eyes narrow, the tension in the air thickening tenfold. Ignis moves just the slightest bit, glaring at the blonde man. If looks could kill... Ravus extends his hand, turning to look at Gladio.

"Be still. All of you."

"Not good..." Prompto whimpers. Ravus stares directly into my eyes, a sharp bitterness remaining in his icy irises.

"Rayne Callen. Murderer of one of my best men. Unfortunately, I am not here to end your miserable existence." He brings his free hand back, the arm completely encased in metal. "Heir to a crown befitting no other..." he muses, balling his hand into a fist. His voice sounds like complete mockery as he continues. "Witness his splendor and glory. All hail the Chosen King."

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